Thursday, October 17, 2024

Pull Into the Station

Often! Hmm! For you how 'often' is often? - Anon

When the apostle Paul headed into a new town, usually the first thing he sought out was the synagogue/temple. Hmm!

Mobil! Texaco! Shell! AM/PM! What do they have in common? They are all refueling stations. Stations for the most part we pull into at least once or twice a week to 'fill up' our tanks. After all, with the L.A. traffic and freeways you never really want to get too low on fuel. It begs the question; do we think like this when it comes to our spiritual well-being? How often do we 'assemble' with the congregation in person to be re-fueled? How often do we 'join' in the studies to be re-charged? How often do we 'serve' in the ministry opportunities to be re-energized? When the bible instructs us "not to forsake the assembly.." (Hebrews 10:25), its intent was meant for much more than just the weekly gathering. With that being true, then I think we could all use a few more stops at these stations to keep our spiritual tanks filled.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Go With Us

True safety isn’t determined by our location, but by the trust we put in the ONE who goes with us. – A. Jackson

When Moses told God ‘Unless you go with us, don’t send us away from here’ he spoke volumes. Amen!

Red Sea crossing! Lion’s den! Fiery furnace! Stormy sea of Galilee! If memory serves correctly, these were all harrowing, frightful experiences for the people involved. Almost life or death situations, and possibly the last place you’d want to be. But yet in every case and many others like them, they came through safe, unscathed, and unharmed. Why, because of ‘WHO’ was with them – God. In a world where we try to find safe neighborhoods to live in, safe schools for our kids, safe spaces to recreate, etc., the greater assurance we should strive for is to always be in the presence and company of God. Though God has promised ‘never to leave us’ we must be equally careful never to leave Him, even when we don’t like the present situation.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…” Psalm 23:4

Monday, October 14, 2024

Let's Go to Work!

We're not in the business of packing the church, we're in the business of overcrowding heaven. - Anon

When you read the scriptures, you'll see it wasn't just the Hebrew children that left Egypt with Moses. Hmm!

You ever give bible reading a second thought or serious consideration? Ever wonder why so many of its lessons were written to 'believer's' and churches? It wasn't solely to help them worship better on Sunday, but to instruct them how to let 'Christ' live through them each day. It's not the number that sit in the pews on Sunday, but the number who 'live for Christ' in the world daily that make a difference. The work of reconciling the world back to God and redeem mankind is still alive and active taking place through us believers as disciples. Yes, believe it or not God is still trying to save this world. He has not given up on us. But Jesus does need to be alive in us daily to get the task done. The question is can He count on you/me allowing Him to 'go to work' today?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." - John 9:4

Friday, October 11, 2024

Let It Begin with Me

Everyone prays for change in the world, but nobody wants to be the first volunteer! - Anon

When God asked 'who will go? "Isaiah immediately and without hesitation said "Here I am. Send me!" Hmm!

Think about it. We all have them, friends, associates, and even family members who could be a much better person if they just changed......... that about them. That one little thing that just 'irks' us. That one little thing about them that we so often point out to others about them. The truth we need to face is that our criticisms of others will never change them, but our prayers will. And the faith behind our prayers for others is actually that step we need to make to become a volunteer for change. Why, because God often has to do a work in us first that we may be able to see the changes He's making in others. So friend, let's keep praying!

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests......always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." - Ephesians 6:18

Thursday, October 10, 2024

All Together Now

They divided Christ's belongings, not his purpose! - Anon

No matter the culture/people he encountered, Paul's goal was always the same - win one for Christ. Amen!

Episcopalians! Methodists! Baptists! Catholic! Church of Christ! We can all relate to these titles for we've seen them on various church buildings in our travels, and even in our neighborhoods. Makes one wonder 'Is Christ Divided?' The answer obviously is NO. But upon deeper reflection, when Paul asked that question (I Corinthians 1:13), he was addressing those in an individual congregation. They all attended the same church but they were still divided in their 'misguided' devotions. They were devoted to people, programs, or even certain things - but not to Christ. In truth, it's also a question for us to ask ourselves when we come to God's house. Are we devoted to a particular person, seat, choir, portion of service, or Christ our redeemer? Can we praise no matter where we sit or who's singing or preaching? Can we serve no matter who is serving beside us, or who is being served by us? If our true purpose is Christ and His glory, then all our actions should tell that story. Amen!

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"I appeal to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought." - I Corinthians 1:10

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Ripple Effect

When one person sneezes, everyone around is in danger of a cold. – Anon

Achan’s one little act of deceit had mighty repercussions. OUCH!

We all know the teaching about dropping a pebble in the water and watching the ripples expand outward – with the understanding we never know how far one good deed will extend out. That’s true, but it is equally true for one bad deed or moment of anger as well. We never know how far that ‘ripple’ will extend out. Life is not perfect and no matter how much preparation we do in advance, dotting all the ‘I’s’ and crossing all the ‘t’s, systems crash, people are late, things get misplaced, and people forget. It’s in these moments we’re tasked with representing Jesus or ourselves. We must remember the person in front of us or on the phone is not our enemy for ours is always a spiritual battle. When things go awry today or tomorrow we must let the ‘Christ’ in our heart lead and not the ‘anger’ in our attitude. It’s important because the ‘ripple’ will travel outward from there.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.’ – Ecclesiastes 7:9

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Living in the Today

Best exercise for stress relief – release your grip on tomorrow. – M. Barroso

Jesus told his disciples he didn’t even know where he would lay his head to sleep. But you know, that didn’t bother him one bit. Hmm!

Tomorrow! A simple word meaning ‘the next day.’ Doesn’t sound ominous, overbearing, or threatening in any form of fashion. But yet it brings great anxiety to us. Why? Simply because we try to bring all of its anticipated cares, issues, and needs into today. We begin to worry if we’ll have enough strength, resources, ability, etc., to meet the needs of it, often forgetting that tomorrow is not even promised to us. We need to relax and remember that if indeed it does come we have a God who promised to meet our needs for the day. And He’s never failed us yet, for it’s an impossibility for God to fail. So, it’s far better for us to just live in the TODAY God has granted and do all we can leaving the rest up to Him.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

P.S. - Please join us on campus today at 5:30pm for our monthly prayer gathering.