Friday, January 17, 2025

Improving Our Aim

Failure to hit the bullseye is never the fault of the target. - Anon

The Pharisees and religious rulers of the day 'missed' Jesus because they had their minds already made up. Hmm!

Generally, when 'X' marks the spot, 'X' is not mobile or ambulatory. That's the one constant we need to hone in on to make sure we hit the bullseye. Interestingly enough, God and His Word never change, they are both the same 'yesterday, today, and forever' yet we continually seem to miss. Biblically speaking, sin is described as 'missing the mark.' Missing at times is okay, for God is truly gracious, but when we continue to miss in the same area, it should be a strong indicator to us that we need to improve our aim. That may mean learning to control the desires of our flesh and the lust of our eyes, to the point of letting go of certain friends, habits, routines, or conveniences that hinder our ability to concentrate and focus on the bullseye. True God's patience is long, but we never want to be found 'trying it.'

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"...You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart...." - Jeremiah 29:13

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Just Plant. Results Will Follow

Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results. – D. Wholey

The little lad packed a lunch for the day. He just didn’t know it was enough for 5000 plus. AMEN!

It’s a true saying that if you plant tomatoes you will get tomatoes – not carrots or peas, etc. But the fact of the planting is you won’t know how many tomatoes you’ll get or what size they will be, or if they will be flavorful. You just plant and let God do the rest. Too often we begin with the end result or expectation in mind and grow frustrated when it doesn’t work out the way we planned. All we can be responsible for is what we do. It’s the only arena of life we can control. Now we may expect results, but we can’t demand them. We must leave room for God to operate in our lives to bring about His purposes. After all, any results He brings are always for our good.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.” – Acts 20:22.”

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Focusing on Following the Father of Our Future

Most people want a roadmap to their future rather than a relationship with the One who holds tomorrow. – H. Blackaby

The religious leaders and Gentile of Jesus’ day were always seeking signs to follow, while the Way, Truth, and Life stood right before them. Hmm!

Though we say we live by faith very often we are people of certainty. We want guarantees, warranties, and pre-arranged end results in our lives. So for us it often seems easier to follow a ‘plan’ than to cultivate or build a relationship based on trust. We become more concerned with what lies ahead in our future than walking intimately with God day by day. But the same future we’re looking to reach is still in the hands of the One who is with us right now. He holds tomorrow and the day after, so maybe we should focus on knowing Him. He’s promised the plans He has for us are good.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“If the Lord is pleased with us, he will lead us into that land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and will give it to us.” – Numbers 14:8

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Prison Release

Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner! - Max Lucado

Though Daniel spent the night in the lion’s den, King Darius was the one held prisoner in his own heart. Then morning came and he was relieved. Hmm!

Prisons are ominous places. True they house some vile people, but they also house those who have to keep watch over them. It is a tough grueling job with little if any benefits. This is also a true picture of us when we can’t practice forgiveness. The thing is when we refuse to forgive someone, when we decide to harbor ill will or hatred toward them; it is really ourselves that we keep locked up. We have to make sure that person never gets free to have a pleasant life or ruin someone else’s life. We in essence become jail keepers in the dungeons of our own heart. That’s why God ‘commands’ us to forgive one another as He forgave us. Life is too short to be locked up of your own will. Forgiving is not necessarily forgetting what happened, but it is allowing yourself to live freely and fully for God, and it works wonders for your heart and spirit.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” – Matthew 6:14-15

P.S. - Hope to see you at our Prayer Meeting tonight at 5:30pm.

Monday, January 13, 2025

That "Can Do" Attitude

A true victor sees himself winning even before the race or battle begins. - Anon

Gideon was the scrawniest kid in his family line but God somehow made him a fierce warrior. Hmm!

The Little Engine That Could! A childhood favorite, tells the story of a little blue train engine that has to overcome a 'rough passage' to get a load of toys to its final destination. The moral is the engine has to go from an 'I think I can' attitude to an 'I know I can' mindset. Truth be known it has a biblical concept that many of us actually know but don't fully adopt. The scripture says "I can do all things through Christ...." It doesn't say attempt or try and give up. It says we can accomplish or overcome. That means anything in our lives that we know hinders our relationship with Christ and God the Father, there is power within the Holy Spirit given us to help us be victorious. To know we can change it. Our only need is to surrender ourselves - flesh and all - to that power within and watch God 'work it out' for our good and His glory.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"For we live by faith, not by sight." - II Corinthians 5:7

Friday, January 10, 2025

Living With TRUE Faith

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want, it is the belief that God will do what is right, ALWAYS! - Max Lucado

It took Caleb 40+ years to get his blessing but he kept his faith through all the ups and downs. AMEN!

Most if not all of us have probably been disappointed one time or another in purchasing a product that did not deliver on its promises. We had hoped upon purchase it would do exactly what it said in the advertisement. We had instantaneous faith. Hebrews 11:4 tells us what true faith is: "The substance of things 'hoped for' the evidence of things not yet seen." But if we're being honest here, many of us don't live with that kind of faith. We have instantaneous faith. We want and task God to answer all of our prayers in our lifetimes, visibly, the way we want them answered and exactly when we need them answered. Isaiah prophesied of the coming Messiah and many generations believed He would come in their lifetime. But they died without seeing the promise come to pass yet their faith 'lived on' (Heb. 11:39). Our 'faith' should be in God's perfect plan of redemption - for that's why Jesus came - not so much in our personal pleasures and position. As the bible tells us if we "seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first...." that God will add to us in our lifetime unlimited blessing and favor. Now that's real faith.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"Abraham believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness." Genesis 15:6

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Perceiving the Potential

Where we see a block of cement a sculptor sees a work of beauty to unveil. - Anon

The disciples saw nothing good or worthwhile in Paul until Barnabas put him under the light of Christ. Hmm!

There is one profound truth we must all accept: the truth that God loves us more than we love ourselves. Being made in His image, He always sees the 'true' person we can become. He works in our lives through trials to strengthen our faith and trust in Him, struggles to help us fix our focus and dependence on Him, and oppositions to help us realize no one is greater than Him. He allows sickness and pain to remind us He is a healer and comforter, and even allows us to face sorrow/grief to remind us He is greater than death. The reason for all this is He sees in us the same 'character' traits that were in His Son Jesus, and He wants to perfect them in us. Why? That we may be like Jesus and help 'turn' others to Him to be saved. In this New Year, let's not waste any opportunities, let's remember that no matter what is happening in and around us God is at His work, because He knows us and loves us more than we love ourselves.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst." - I Timothy 1:15