Though Rachel believed in her husband Jacob’s God, she still kept the gods of her father Laban. Hmm!
One of the great things about scientific discovery is that it is always open to new ideas and realities – oh that our faith were so. For most people their faith is clearly defined, limited and tangible, and if circumstances don’t fit within the parameters they determine and define they won’t move forward. But we serve a God who is ever unpredictable in His ways as He works things out in our lives. His expectation is that we trust Him in all things and truly believe that He will never place us in any situation where His grace is not sufficient, His provision is not more than enough, or His strength will not prevail. The whole idea is that God is trying to ‘grow’ our faith not our fears. Today will require more from us than yesterday.
Until tomorrow…
Pastor Botts
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” – II Corinthians 5:17
P.S. - Make sure you vote TODAY, and remember no matter what happens GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL!