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On the Mount of Transfiguration, Peter was surprised when God let it be known He was listening in. Hmm!
Communicate! We love to do it, we live to do it. Talk, text, post, tweet, I/M, etc., we just can't seem to get enough of it. We are social beings. After all, communication is at the crux of all relationships, and we were made for relationships. But I guess the bigger question we need to consider is what are we saying or communicating when we go at it? And why? We must remember as God's people we don't get a free pass at this. He said we will "one day give an account of every word we've spoken." The intent there is not a verbatim review of what we said, but what was our 'motive' behind what was said. Was it necessary, helpful, informational, etc., and most of all did it glorify Him? We may not want 'big brother' listening in on our communications but we need remember our Heavenly Father always is.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
"Does He who implanted the ear not hear? Does He who formed the eye not see? - Psalm 94:9