If our destination home is Heaven, then this life is only the trip to get there. - B. Snyder
When God told Abram to "leave his country and go to a place He would show him," Abram had no problem as long as God was leading. Hmm!
"Home is where you 'make it'!" It's an intriguing statement. Does it mean home is where you decide to settle, the plot, place, and address you acquire? Or does it mean home is where you grow and learn to live and make something out of your life? Or maybe it's both. The unfortunate truth though is most of us as Christians have accepted it this way. We've dug in our heels here on earth, planted our homestead, built our house and raise our family as if we'll be here permanently. It's like we spend every available resource on the house, our recreation, family moments or gatherings, and have little or nothing to give back to God. If we're truly just 'pilgrims passing through this land' should we not be trying to store up some heavenly treasures. Though God doesn't want us to live as paupers, He also wants us to remember our lives don't consist of the things we own, but exists in The One who owns us, and wants us to be with Him in glory one day. Let's make sure we're on the right path.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
"....For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. - Matthew 6:21