Thursday, July 10, 2014

Treasuring Shared Moments

There must be more to life than having everything! – M. Sendak

There was once a rich man who reaped even more and decided it was time for him to eat, drink, and be merry. Jesus called him FOOL! Ouch!

If you had everything in life you wanted would you be happy? No matter how we may try to fool ourselves into believing the answer is YES, the answer is obviously no. We know this by watching a small child with a new toy. All is right until someone with another toy comes along- the first is cast aside and immediately they want the other. Sound familiar! Things are inanimate objects that bring forth emotions we project ON them and they cannot reciprocate. Life is made up of the moments we share with others, God, and nature, the experiences and memories we gain from them. In essence, for life to actually be lived it has to be shared with others – not things.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“Then [Jesus] said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.’”
– Luke 12:15

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