If we keep heading in the same direction, we are likely to get where we are headed. – R. Rusaw
The Israelites were in constant rebellion toward God’s leadings. If memory serves correctly, they were in constant bondage as well. Hmmm!
Maps are great tools to assist us in getting to our point of destination. Follow the map route and you’re assured of reaching your end point. God gave us a map – The Bible – that we might get to know Him and make it to heaven. It too, has very specific directions but with two destinations. God is EXACT in His directions, and there is no “wiggle room.” If sin is “heading” our lives, now is the time to very seriously stop and take a look at the path we are on and make any necessary course corrections. And though we may feel okay with our current relationship with God, remember He does not like “lukewarmness” either.
Until tomorrow…..
Pastor Botts
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” – Matthew 7:13-14