Even God Himself can't give a man happiness; it's a choice you must make yourself! - Anon
Zacchaeus was rich, but yet unhappy. Hmm!
Happiness! It's quite possibly the #1 goal on everyone's wish list, but yet it's the least visible trait you see displayed. You see anger, aggression, fear, depression, insecurity, and on and on, but rarely do you genuinely see happiness on full display. Could it be because the enemy has deceived us into believing happiness can only be achieved or enjoyed by 'things' and 'possessions' and 'activities?' Yes, life has a lot to offer, but with these offerings come ups and downs, health and illness, gains and losses - happiness isn't one of them. True happiness is right before each of us, it's ours to choose each and every day no matter our circumstances or position. And when we believe this and choose to live it out, life is so much easier to bear.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." - Psalm 68:3