The only permanent thing in life is change. – Anon
When Naaman finally changed his mind and obeyed, God changed his condition. Hmm!
All too often our lives and relationships are blown apart because we’re completely unprepared for the storms and stresses that change brings into them. But change happens; it’s a promise from God. Though it’s impossible to stop a storm in progress we can minimize the damage if we’ve prepared for it in advance. The winds of change will either give strength to your sails or stall you completely. In marriage the changes will either draw you closer together or destroy the relationship. Bodily sickness or injury will either make you stronger than before or destroy your spirit. In your career or finances, a missed opportunity can snuff out your dreams or inspire you to become more diligent. It all depends on your response. Therefore, change need not be frightening or threatening, if we look at it as an opportunity to express God’s gifts to us in new ways.
Until Monday……
Pastor Botts
“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1