Jesus went to the cross not so much to die, but moreso that we might live. Hmm!
For most of us there are things that we say we just can’t do without, that life would not be worth it if we had to give up __________ (fill in the blank). Often we even rationalize with ourselves and question why God would want to keep us from such things. The reason is that He knows what tomorrow holds, plain and simple. Because God is always at His work, there may be some things He is trying to bring to an end in our lives that the new life may begin. Those habits, quirks, ‘needs,’ that we just can’t seem to live without, God is trying to show us the beauty life can bring without them. As the circumstances of life come upon us today and in the near future, maybe we need to pay attention to what God is addressing in us, for there is much more beauty in all of us to behold.
Until tomorrow…..
Pastor Botts
“I have seen the burden God has laid on men. He has made everything beautiful in its time…” Ecclesiastes 3:10-11
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