Do not be angry that you cannot make others as you would wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. – T. Kempis
Job was angry with his friends because they didn’t understand God as he did. Turns out he gained even more understanding. AMEN!
I don’t think there is anyone alive who has not had the blessed opportunity to reflect on some of their own decisions and realize they were ‘bonehead ideas,’ or ‘immature decisions.’ It’s a part of growing up. But still it seems we at times try to perfect others around us. We all at times wish, try, and even force those we deal with to be a certain way, thinking “oh how great it would be if they were like this or that.” But the truth is we ourselves aren’t all we want to be or endeavor to be, and to get where we are now took a mighty, mighty work of God. And the positive in this is that He’s not finished with us yet, and until such time as that occurs or when we reach perfection, we need to give up trying to make others the way we want them to be. Humans are just that, human; not robots or puppets, and when we think it through we should be most thankful it is that way.
Until Monday….
Pastor Botts
“For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out….” – Romans 7:18
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