The cure for anything is salt water; whether it be sweat, tears, or the sea! - I. Dinesen
An in depth view of Jesus' life shows that He 'served' often, wept at times, and did some of His best teaching by the seashore. Hmm!
God said, "by the sweat of your brow you'll earn your keep!" We say, "never let them see you sweat!" God said, "a broken and contrite heart He will not despise!" We say, "never let them see you cry!" God said, "take a day of rest to enjoy Him!" We say, "learn to multitask and get more done!" Seemingly, all the ways God gave to us to show we're human and frail, we've turned into ways and ideas to show our strength and ability to go beyond. But it begs the question: What are we going 'beyond' to and for whose benefit? Maybe it's no small wonder why we live in a culture of burnt-out, substance dependent, anxiety laden people - our methods just don't work. I'll agree God is not against us being more efficient, but I stand fast on the fact the best lubricant for us is our life is salt water. Why not start with a trip to the seashore for a sunrise or sunset. It couldn't hurt and you might meet God there.
Until tomorrow.....
Pastor Botts
"Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus." - John 21:4
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