Monday, November 30, 2020

Sermon Pop Gratitude: The Extension

"Gratitude the Extension" Sermon Pop premiering 12/1/20 at 10am on our YouTube channel!

Pursuing True Greatness

Try not to become a person of great success, but rather try to become a person of virtue. – Albert Einstein

We read often of men like Abraham, Joseph, and David who had great success in their lifetimes. Not because they pursued it, but because they pursued God, and he granted it. Hmm!

It’s true we live in a world that measures you by your professional title, wallet, possessions, education, etc., however it’s important to remember we are not ‘of the world’ but called of God to make a difference in the world. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to do well in our social endeavors, but NOTHING should impede our ability and opportunity to serve Almighty God. I pray we will be zealous in all our endeavors for Him.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these….But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” – Matthew 6:28-29, 33

Friday, November 27, 2020

Detour Views

A truly joyful person enjoys the scenery on a detour. – Anon

Though the Israelites had to wander 40 years in the wilderness before they entered the Promised Land, it was worth it to Caleb. Hmm!

SigAlerts, accidents, road closures, one-way streets. Oftentimes things of this nature take us out of our normal “driving” patterns and cause us to map out different strategies and routes, and even with GPS it still often gets under our skin. Life is very similar in that oftentimes we must make detours, or put off until later things ‘we’ deemed needful and necessary now. Just consider this current ‘pandemic.’ It has caused some major changes to all of life. It seemed Joseph’s life was one detour after another, but in reality it was all God’s plan to bring him before Pharaoh and to eventually save his people. Perhaps God has a plan for you in your detours, so maybe you should relax and enjoy the views.

Until Monday……

Pastor Botts

“But Joseph said ………You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” – Genesis 50:19-20

Thursday, November 26, 2020

A Thanksgiving Shot in the Arm

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I'm passing on some words of encouragement from a friend, Dusty Rubeck at CDF. May they help us all appreciate this day even more.

Imagine if there was a vaccine for Thanksgiving. 

One single, painless, shot in the arm that would remove all anger and anxiety and replace it with an overwhelming spirit of gratitude. If there was ever a year our nation needed such a vaccine, this is the one.

I know, I know…a vaccine as powerful as this would need to go through months of testing before receiving FDA approval. And of course, it would probably be in limited supply for months, only available to those who needed it the most.

But as long as we are imagining, let’s just imagine it is freely available to all of us right now.

The instructions accompanying the Thanksgiving Vaccine might go something like this:

Step 1: Thank God for His Protection, and pray it continues.

Step 2: Thank God for His Provision, and commit to share our bounty with others.

Step 3: Thank God for His Promises, and look forward with faith to see them fulfilled.
May your Thanksgiving celebration this year have special meaning as you pause to reflect on what you have been through, how far you have come, and the road that lies ahead.

"Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever."- I Chronicles 16:34

Bro. Botts

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Greater Prayer Workings

Wishing will never be a substitute for prayer. – E. Cole

The persistent widow got relief because she kept on personally ‘troubling’ the ungodly magistrate, not just wishing and hoping he would do something. Hmm!

Most people live life in the ‘wishing’ phase. They wish for this change or that possession, they wish life wasn’t so bad, or for just a little more. Unfortunately, most of us Christians practice prayer the same way - we don’t actually pray we just wish it would be so. But God is a prayer answering God, and takes delight when His children confide in Him and truly seek His intervention. But we must remember prayer is hard work and there is no substitute for the dedication, perseverance, and discipline it requires. Thinking something over is not the same as praying. God expects us to put in the work. Though Jesus was the Son of God he never assumed His Father would just act on his behalf, he ALWAYS prayed first.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” – II Chronicles 7:14

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Victories In Defeat

A defeat that leaves you humble is better than a victory that leaves you proud. – D. Martin

The Israelites were ‘cocky’ in going up against the little town of Ai, telling Joshua they didn’t even need all the men of battle. They got routed and sent home hurting.

We are taught early on that ‘nobody likes a loser,’ or that when in battle it’s ‘victory at any cost.’ But in truth sometimes defeat is necessary. First, if we never taste defeat we would never really be able to fully appreciate and enjoy the victories we have. Second, defeat also gives us opportunity to improve on what went wrong. Last, defeat keeps us humble and forces us to realize there is someone greater than ourselves that we need to make it through this life – God. There will come a time we will all taste defeat and be knocked down, but remember; a saint is just a sinner who fell down AND GOT UP!

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken: ‘Before the rooster crows you will disown me three times.’ And he went outside and wept bitterly.” – Matthew 26:75

Monday, November 23, 2020

Be Strong and Courageous

Fear is the darkroom where 'negatives' are developed. - Anon

One man - Goliath - struck fear in a whole army, that is until David came along. WOW!

Kryptonite! It was Superman's weakness. It completely immobilized him and his superpowers. What about us, what might ours be - FEAR! Not the 'scared of the dark' kind of fear, but the fear of inadequacy, fear of not measuring up. We fear our past cropping up to embarrass us. We fear our future will be too difficult. We fear letting others down, letting ourselves down. Our fears keep us from reaching out, and often reaching UP to God. The enemy's greatest ploy is to fill us with fear. That's why God's Word directs us and commands us time and again not to be afraid. Just as He told Joshua to be 'strong and courageous' going into a foreign land, as we commune with God each morning we should leave that encounter 'strong and courageous' as we enter into the new territory of TODAY. As long as we are walking faithfully we really have no need to fear for God has our back, front, sides, etc., for He is all encompassing around us. So, we have nothing to fear but.......actually nothing!

Until tomorrow.......

Pastor Botts

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you,.......Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid...." - John 14:27

Friday, November 20, 2020

Online Service 11/15/20 #SouthsideSunday

Featuring the Sermon: "Gratitude: The Origin" by Pastor Herb Botts

Hold on a little while longer

When you are down to nothing God is up to something. – Anon

The widow thought she was down to her last meal for her and her son, Elijah told her otherwise. Hmm!

One of the most powerful accounts of faith and trust is the story of Job. A man who was “blameless and upright,” and who feared God, was stripped of all his worldly possessions and family, and stricken with a terrible, terrible affliction. However, in spite of his 'new' situation and circumstances of life, he kept his faith and trust in Almighty God. Maybe, today where you are in your life you feel somewhat like Job. Abandoned by all, resources exhausted, and trouble on every hand. Take heart friend for like Job, you are being tested. God has not left you but is speedily on His way to your rescue. He’ll be there right on time. May you continue to “hold on.”

Until Monday…….

Pastor Botts

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:3

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Choosing Happiness

“…..a man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy, and no one can stop him.” – A. Sozhenitsyn

Sibling rivalry, hatred, slavery, slander, nor prison could change Joseph’s disposition and confidence in God. Nor did it change God’s favor on him. WOW!

Life and all its ingredients make up the circumstances of our days. And it’s not so much what happens to us in those days as it is what happens in us. No matter what comes upon us be it good or bad, God allows us to make the choice of attitude in response to it. We can choose to let the feats of the day get to us and make us mean, hard, angry, or apathetic; or we can choose to see them as grand opportunities to grow in grace, service to others, and give glory to God. The important thing about all of this is, whatever attitude we wear is of our own choosing.

Until tomorrow……

Pastor Botts

“But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.” – Psalm 68:3

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Re-ignite the Passion

Half-heartedness never won a battle. – W. McKinley

Gideon started with 32,000 men and God whittled it down to 300 warriors. Hmm!

The pre-game chat. The Sales Team meeting. The self-confidence pep talk. We’ve all seen, possibly heard and/or participated in something similar to these. That time where we are gathered, greeted, focused, and inflamed with a passion to put forth our all, to achieve victory, conquer the enemy, or finish the task. Life is challenging, but it is necessary to prove us and improve us. God is after those that have a heart after Him, a heart that is willing to give all to Him and for Him just as He did for us with Jesus. And just as we become suspicious when someone offers us a limp handshake or wry smile, imagine how God feels when we offer a half-hearted effort. Today is given to re-ignite your passion for God, here’s hoping it works.

Until tomorrow….

Pastor Botts

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” – Matthew 5:8

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Going Through It

The best way out is always through. - Robert Frost

The only way into the Promised Land was through the nations of people God would help the Israelites conquer. They thought otherwise but finally trusted God's commands and were rewarded. AMEN!

No one likes pain or distress, and when they come we immediately try to circumvent them. But when God engineers situations for us He is shaping, pruning, and perfecting our character for His glory, and our perseverance is the order of the day. To quit, give up, or seek another avenue is to miss out on the blessings and growth He desires for us. True, it may be hard, unpleasant, distasteful, and seem lonely right now; but we must remember what He tells us in His Word "though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death....He is with us." Situations and circumstances in our life may not be the best, but that only means we've not quite made it through yet. We should just trust God and enjoy the journey.

Until tomorrow......

Pastor Botts

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." - James 1:12

Monday, November 16, 2020

Shine Together

You don’t have to blow out the other fellow’s light to let your own shine. – B. Baruch

The disciples wanted to stop a man from driving out demons in Jesus name because he wasn’t in their company. Jesus said he’s on our side. AMEN!

Society loves awards and recognition. Everyone wants to be noticed for their special ‘talent’ or ‘gift.’ Unfortunately we tend to do it at the other person’s expense. Even in our casual conversation we tend to try to outdo one another in our everyday lives. Whereas one may have suffered with the flu, someone else was hospitalized with it, or someone got a great deal, someone else got an even greater deal. God would expect us to “rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep” – not outdo them. We’re not called to focus the light on ourselves but on Him, for the glory goes to Him and not us.

Until tomorrow….

Pastor Botts

“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” – Romans 14:19

Friday, November 13, 2020

More Than Talent

True the 'cream' always rises to the top, but it spoils just the same if not cared for. - Anon

Saul was an 'impressive young man without equal' among all his peers, but when he became king he 'soured' over David. Hmm!

Natural talent is one of life's greatest gifts, but the advantage it gives only lasts a short time. Talent stands out, it will get you noticed, and give you a head start on others, but talent alone is never enough. The world is full of talented people, many of them we know personally; sitting on the sidelines, because they tried to get by on talent alone. Success requires drive, determination, desire, and devotion in much greater quantities than natural talent alone. Just as the apostles did not rest after Pentecost gained 3000+ souls, God does not expect us to rest on what we did yesterday, last week, or years ago. And though we may not be bringing 3,000 into the kingdom today, the strength God gives today is to empower the gift/talent He's instilled in us to be a success for the kingdom.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"...for this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness...., knowledge....self-control....perseverance....godliness......brotherly" - II Peter 1:5-7

Online Service Outdoors...In The Wind! 11/08/20 #SouthsideSunday

See (and HEAR!) what service is like when the wind joins us at church! It premiering on YouTube at 10:15am PST today! #SouthsideSunday

Doing OUR Part In The Work

Ask God’s blessing on your work, but don’t ask Him to do it for you. – F. Robson

God told the Israelites victory was assured, but they still had to engage in and fight the battles themselves. Hmm!

We love to sing the song ‘Lord, Don’t Move My Mountain’ but often times our heart is just not in the song – we want God to do exactly that, move it; without any help from us. But the fact is that many of the problems, circumstances, and issues that arise in our lives are because of the prayers where we’ve either asked God to ‘prune’ us, or the testing God told us He would bring to ‘prove’ us. And in either situation it doesn’t matter how much we pray for God’s relief, God will require something of us in the answer to our prayers. God’s work is to perfect us, our work is to pursue righteousness in all things, even when it is painful. But no matter, we have the greatest comforter in God Himself.

Until tomorrow….

Pastor Botts

“As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming when no one can work.” – John 9:4

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

God's Economy: Double Your Blessing

A blessing shared is not halved, but doubled. – Anon

A little boy shared his lunch with Jesus one day and they fed 5,000+ and they took up 12 baskets full of leftovers. Hmmm!

We by nature are greedy people. We are taught survival of the fittest and to look out for number one from a very young age. And we keep these teachings ingrained in our psyche for life. And then we come to God’s economy which is completely different, give to receive, die to live, etc. and we find it a hard transition. But that’s what faith is – totally abandoning your way of thinking, your desire for control – trusting completely in God. And when we do and learn to share this way we realize there is never a shortage in what He supplies no matter how much we give away. Therefore with every blessing we receive we should seek to pass it on to others, for we must always remember when God blesses us he has more than us in mind.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Freely you have received, freely give.” – Matthew 10:8

A Veterans Day Note of Thanks

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Minding Our Words

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. – Plato

When Jesus was ‘transfigured’ before the disciples there, Peter just couldn’t seem to hold his tongue. God set him straight! OUCH!

Look around, we now live in a culture where everyone is virtually connected at the hip by cellphone. And everywhere you go they are either ringing to be answered or someone is already talking on one. It didn’t use to be this way, but technology has made it easier and affordable – but that does not necessarily translate into needful. God has said our conversation is to be uplifting, seasoned with grace, non-condemning, and for the benefit of His kingdom purposes. Given the truth that we will one day have to give account for every word we speak, maybe we should weigh our words a bit more carefully.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” – Matthew 5:37

Monday, November 9, 2020

Illuminate the path and walk on it

Train up a child in the way he should go, and don’t forget to walk there yourself. - American Proverb

One of the major criticisms Jesus had with the religious leaders of the day was their hypocrisy, not practicing what they were preaching. Hmm!

It’s amazing sometimes how we think. It’s true we grow up and put away ‘childish ways and thinking,’ but what is TRUE and what is RIGHT doesn’t change from one stage of life to the next. If truth is absolute, and IT is; and if right is absolute, and IT is also; then our paths should always take us along the same routes we would prescribe for our children. We can try to shade both the truth and what we know to be right to our own situations to justify what we do but, “there is a way that seems right to a man but it leads to death.” A major part of ‘training our children’ is being a living example of righteousness right before their eyes, and the best way to do that is to always let God’s Word be “a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.”

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” – James 3:1

Friday, November 6, 2020

May the Lord Lead

Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still. – E.M. Bounds

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray and ask His Father for insight on what to do and say. Hmm!

Moody, Spurgeon, Tozer, Evans, Stanley, Swindoll, your local pastor. All great men past and present who make known God’s will to men and women with great clarity and conviction. But I would dare say to you that none of these men would ever try to talk to men about God, without talking to God first. In fact, talking to God first is the only thing that gives them the utmost confidence to talk to man. May we all take a lesson here today. Evangelism starts when God sparks the heart.

Until Monday……

Pastor Botts 

“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel…” – Ephesians 6:19

Online Service Outdoors 11/01/20 #SouthsideSunday

Premiering today at 10:15am PST on YouTube: Online Service 11/01/20 #SouthsideSunday Featuring the sermon #Gratitude Check it out!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Don't Sleep On It

I'd rather see a sermon than hear one. - Anon

You have to think God parting the Red Sea made someone say WOW!

It makes children giggle, the elders take umbrage - someone sleeping in church. But in truth it's nothing new, even Eutychus fell asleep while the apostle Paul preached in Troas. But before we cast an evil eye at these folks we may need to check ourselves. All of us sleep through some of God's most compelling sermons or lessons. If the heavens truly declare His glory imagine what the world you live in shouts about Him. See the truth is not all sermons of God happen in church settings. A flower blooming (God's renewal/provision), a cricket chirps (God making music/not being silent), a gentle breeze (God's spirit among us). God loves for us to grasp His countless ways of communicating His love, care, concern, and presence amongst us. So let's WAKE UP!

Until tomorrow.....

Pastor Botts

"....he who has ears, let him hear....." - Matthew 11:15

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Measure Faithfulness By Commitment

Better to act and not be successful than never to have responded at all. – C. Ringma

Though he was unsuccessful in his attempt, Abraham at least pleaded with God for Sodom’s safety. Hmm!

Truth be told, we do want to see changes take place in our world, and in particular changes to situations which perpetuate sin, evil, or injustice. But sadly we are often slow to act because we don’t often make ourselves aware of them or because we avoid seeing things for what they really are. We often wait until the evil or injustice becomes more magnified before we respond, and then we often claim it’s too late or our little effort won’t help any. But faithfulness can never be measured in terms of successes, but only in terms of commitment. It does not matter the odds or conditions we’re up against, God has called us to be committed to the cause of Christ at all times, not just when it’s convenient or feels good, and often the cause of Christ will justify us going out into the public arena to try and help right injustice or stand up against evil. The one truth you can always say of a fighter – “at least he fought.”

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“Give everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes, if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor then honor.” – Romans 13:7

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Brotherly Words

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. – Richard Murray

At a heightened moment of temptation, Jesus let it pass and carefully uttered “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” WOW!

One of the old clichéd truisms of life is “please think before you speak.” The adoption of this principle as a doctrine of life could save us from many stressful situations and later apologies. All of us from our childhood have been taught how to talk and enunciate our words, but rarely when and how to choose our words or responses carefully. We should always be ready to speak the truth, but even it should be spoken in LOVE, not hostility or with ‘superlative’ laced commentary; and refrain from ‘adding’ our two-cents in on matters that are not constructive about others. Temptation will indeed be great to go off course today, but remember God will provide a way of escape.

Until tomorrow…….

Pastor Botts

“Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it….” – James 4:11

Monday, November 2, 2020

Sermon Pop: I'm Responsible?!?!

It's Premiere time! Catch the latest #SermonPop "I'm Responsible?!?!" today at 10:15am PST #TuesdayThoughts
via @YouTube

The Democracy

Tomorrow is an important day in our nation's history and your very own livelihood. VOTING DAY! It involves our government on all levels. We are blessed to have this privilege. Look at the governments of this world. Generally speaking, there are three types today—monarchies, dictatorships and democracies.

Monarchies involve nobility—royalty—where bloodline is the key to succession of power. Through the death of a king or queen, a prince or princess ascends the throne. This cycle can last for generations or many centuries. History records that monarchies are almost always replaced, either violently or peacefully, with the king or queen often allowed to retain minimal power. As of 2019, there were 44 sovereign states in the world with a monarch as Head of state. 13 in Asia, 12 in Europe, 10 in North America, 6 in Oceania and 3 in Africa.

Dictatorships and totalitarian governments are usually created through violence—by coup or revolution. They are often short-lived, with something similar replacing them. As of today, there are 50 dictatorships in the world (19 in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 in the Middle East and North Africa, 8 in Asia-Pacific, 7 in Eurasia, 3 in Americas and 1 in Europe).

Democracies and republics are best described as collaborative, representative or parliamentarian, meaning that the officials and leaders are elected, representing “the will of the people.” This involves a voting or balloting process in the selection of one candidate in preference to one or several others. This form is generally considered to be the best of mankind’s governments. Yet, the great 20th-century British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, called democracy “the worst form of government—except [for] all the other[s]...”

But, as bad as democracy can be, still it is true that it is far better than any other form of government—when that government lies in the hands of men. Democracy does at least attempt to ensure more individual “freedoms” than other kinds of humanly devised government, by keeping power within the hands of the people, who select 'trustworthy' individuals to proxy for them. Prayers are we will do just that, and continue to pray God's will comes to fruition!

Until tomorrow...

Bro Botts

"Then they cast lots, and the lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the eleven apostles." - Acts 1:26