Friday, March 19, 2021

Much Needed Grace

Skiing is best when you have lots of white snow and plenty of Blue Cross. - F. Wilson

The apostle Paul was 'ecstatic' that God's grace was so reliable and abounding. AMEN!

TODAY is here, God's gift to us. It's a completely blank slate with no errors, mishaps, or injuries to mar the scene. Hopefully we'll talk with God and get our 'bearings' and assignments, and then off we'll go into the day. The desire will be to try and live the day as discussed with God "thy will be done on earth....." The problem will be when we encounter self and others. Not that I 'willfully' sin but I must confess in my 63+ years I don't believe I've lived any one day of those years perfectly or sin free - Sundays included. So like Paul, I too am glad for words like patience, compassion, longsuffering, mercy, forgiveness - all summed up in GRACE. It makes the day all the more conquerable.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"....where sin increased; grace increased all the more..." - Romans 5:20

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