Sometimes the strongest healing ‘Balm of Gilead’ is when tears trail down our face. – Anon
Jesus wept. Hmm!
We’re told it’s a sign of weakness. We’re told it’s being overly emotional. We’re told a lot of things by people we don’t even really know, and often we buy into it. But there are some truths to life that are at times unexplainable. At times we cry and cry and can’t seem to stop. We think we ought to be ‘stronger than this’ or should be ‘beyond this point’. But in truth, it’s the way God made us. He knows our frame, and He has given us these great healing powers – tears. Yes, they heal. They have a therapeutic effect on our innermost self. The place where you can’t put a band-aid. Just as an oyster covers over a grain of sand with ‘nacre’ producing a beautiful pearl, our god-given tears soothe, cover, and heal deep hurts and pains. AND they lay a fertile covering that in time allows new life to spring up from that area again. God would not have given them to us if they weren’t useful!
Until Monday…..
Pastor Botts
"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.” – Psalm 126:5
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