Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Praise to Set Your Heart Free

Praise is the song of a soul set free. - Anon

Though David's wife Michal didn't like his dancing, God was pleased. Hmm!

It happens every so often. Just a few notes of a tune from our past and our hearts go aflutter - it's our 'JAM' - that song or melody that takes us back in memory to a time where our hearts were light and seemingly no troubles or trials existed. For a brief moment we're free of care. Wow, it seems like God knew we would need our hearts set free from time to time long before we did, and in a way that would be much more meaningful. How so? Well, when you think it through our 'jam' never did anything for us specifically, only offer a momentary respite; but God does everything for us and is a constant presence and source of peace. And I think we'd take that any day, anytime, and anyplace. Just think of Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail. If we can't praise, maybe we're not as free as we think.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise....." - Psalm 48:1

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