Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Heart Check!

The condition of our hearts determines the direction of our lives. - L. Woods

Paul's conversion allowed him to help rebuild the church he tried to destroy. WOW!

A tightness or pain in our chest. A numbness in our arm. Dizziness or an irregular heartbeat. When symptoms like these hit us we generally don't play around. It's off to the doctor or nearest emergency room depending on the intensity. We know there is a possible problem with our heart. But what about our 'spiritual heart?' What are the warning signs that would make us realize something is wrong? Truth be told most of us tend to think we're alright because we avoid the 'big sins' - whatever they are. But in the sight of God gossiping carries the same weight as sexual immorality - it's all SIN!. Therefore our backbiting, foul language, selfishness, bad attitude, lackadaisical worship, etc., should all be considered warning signs that we need a heart checkup. And the great thing is the 'Good Doctor' God is always available to see us. Why not make an appointment?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"My heart says of you, 'Seek His face!' Your face Lord will I seek." - Psalm 27:8

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