Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

Life is a given, the destination and how is a choice! - Anon

The good thing about the Prodigal Son is that he wound up back at his beginning, his father's house. Hmm!

Rollercoasters! In our prime we loved them. The speed, the jerks and turns, and of course the 'stomach in your throat' downhill runs. It was a somewhat scary thrill but we did it again and again with eager expectations. When considered, daily life is just like that, a rollercoaster ride with all the effects. Truthfully, none of us asked to be here, but we were blessed with life by God, and even told by Him which rollercoaster to choose 'blessing or cursing, life or death....choose - LIFE' for the best results, but He left the final decision to us. So if we're not enjoying life, if it has too many thrills that 'stress us out' or leave us 'broken' God will allow you to change. Remember Jesus' words "I am come that they might have life to the fullest..." I think He expects us to enjoy the ride.

Until tomorrow.....

Pastor Botts

”...anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." - James 4:4

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