On his way to being Savior of all mankind, Jesus never forgot to relate to mankind. Hmm!
Truth be told, we are good at critiquing others and even better at giving advice. We often assume we know what is best for others, particularly the more unfortunate members of our society or circle of friendship. But we are not so good at what Jesus asks of us, and that is compassionate participation. We often fail to draw close to others and pass on what we have freely received ourselves from the Master. Compassionate participation is seeing people where they are, no matter who they are, and extending to them that same grace, mercy, love, etc. that we receive daily from the Lord. It may require us to go the extra mile with them, but isn’t that what Jesus actually said we should do anyway?
I'll be taking a vacation for now so until I return this keyboard will be silent.
Pastor Botts
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” – I John 4:11