The Hebrews writer said Jesus ‘endured’ what he went through because of ‘the joy’ that awaited him. Hmm!
People are searching all over for it. They want to know the secret of obtaining it, how to keep it, make it flourish. They read books, attend seminars and conferences in hopes of receiving it. What is it – JOY! And it is as simple as choosing it. Joyful people are joyful simply because they choose to be joyful. In spite of their surroundings, problems, health, needs, or whatever else may try to pull them down or depress them, they realize they are truly rich in Christ who came to bring us joy. All of the issues and circumstances of life are in reality ‘momentary,’ but if we let them they can linger longer and rob us of our joy. That’s why we need to keep our focus on the ONE who died that we may live. If joy is lacking in your life there is a strong possibility that Christ is lacking as well.
Until tomorrow…
Pastor Botts
“…I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” – John 15:11