Thursday, September 25, 2014

Controlling the Self

To many, total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation, but neither gets practiced! - Augustine

Many of the godly kings of Judah destroyed the temples of Baal and Ashtoreth, but neglected the high places. Hmm!

As those made in the highest order of creation, we are by far the more intelligent beings, able to ‘subdue and control’ the earth. But in all our conquering the hardest thing for us to learn is to temper our appetites, control our desires, or restrain our impulses. After all, nobody but nobody knows what’s better for us than we ourselves is our way of thinking. But God really does know better, He created us, knows what we can withstand, knows how He wants to bless us, and knows how He wants to use us in His service. Moderation is difficult, of course; but the rewards are numerous and long-lasting. To improve our finances, health, or general well-being; then wisdom and moderation must be close traveling companions. God will leave the decision up to us, but then so are the consequences.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“…Better a patient man that a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city..” – Proverbs 16:32

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