Friday, July 29, 2022

God STILL Delivers!

God can handle it even when we don’t see how! – Richard Murray

The Red Sea parting was a physical impossibility in the eyes of the Israelites and Egyptians – but God works outside physical limitations. Hmm!

If we take a minute to think about it, the sun rose this morning like clockwork and we had nothing to do with it. And it will eventually pass through the day and nightfall will come and we can’t prevent it. God has been doing this and many other miraculous things since the beginning of time. And not only is He involved in nature, but He wants to be involved in every detail of our lives as well. We often say “I know who holds tomorrow/future” referring to God, but the proof of our faith is in our ‘casting all of our cares on Him.” God has been in the ‘delivery’ business since He put man on the earth, so though we may not see how our situation can be worked out, it can; we need to just trust Him a bit longer.

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” – Hebrews 10:23

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Listening for the Master

The first duty of LOVE – is to LISTEN! – Tillich

To love Jesus is to know His Word. To know His Word is to listen. Hmm!

We start out as babies in the crib listening for the calming voices of our parents. Then we proceed to adolescence where we’re instructed by those we love to listen to the voice of authority to guide us correctly in life. Somehow it seems in adulthood we forget this process, or assume it’s unnecessary, or tune into the wrong frequency, thus making our life messy. If our goal truly is heaven, I think we need to learn this lesson over again and ‘listen’ for the Master, as He’s the only one with directions on how to get there.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

"The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’ Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’ And the Lord said to Samuel: ‘See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle’” – I Samuel 3:10-11

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Pray On My Friend

Prayer and helplessness are inseparable. Only those who are helpless can truly pray. - G. Hallesby

When Jonah hit rock bottom the only thing he could do was pray. Hmm!

The truly great thing about prayer is that it requires no special preparation, no precise vocabulary, no appropriate posture (other than a humble heart), and no special time. God is always available and listening. Yes, we're told to 'enter our closets' or 'steal away' for more meaningful time and intimacy, but that doesn't mean we can't pray right where we are now. How about it! If songs and prayers of praise come about when life is good and blessings are flowing, then serious cries, petitions, intercessions and other prayers for supplication and help begin in our times of trouble. And for most of us trouble is always the norm. So pray on friend, pray on, and trust that God's answer will always be wiser than your request.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice." - Psalm 55:16-17

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Love and Pray for Your Enemies

Speak well of your enemies. After all you’ve somehow made them that way. – D. Guptil

Though Saul was David’s enemy, David held him in high regard. He refused to say anything against God’s anointed. Hmmm!

It’s been said the best way to get rid of an enemy is to make him your friend. That’s easier said than done, but it can be done. But it can’t happen until we begin to consider the possibility. Often in our conversation it’s fairly easy to lavish praise on ourselves and those we care about. Maybe we can’t lavish praise on our enemies just yet, but the quickest way to speak well of them is to pray for them in earnest, and pray for God’s direction in our life as well. It may not rid us of enemies, but it will rid us of hostility, increasing our capacity to show love to all.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good….” – Matthew 5:44-45

Be Still

Be still and KNOW that I AM GOD! - Psalm 46:10

When God answered Job, He showed him many different ways He communicated His presence and love. AMEN!

Believe it or not but God speaks continuously. We experience Him in nature, through friendships and family, through casual conversations with acquaintances, through scripture and other media, and also through times of silence. With so many outlets available to Him, it's often amazing that we don't seem to hear Him more often. Could it be we've in our own heart and mind limited Him to 'certain' options and times? Only on Sunday in church, only in our time of meditation, or only when WE call out to Him! To know God intimately is to know Him in every aspect of our lives. And to know Him in such a way means to look for Him in all things. Though we often limit God to the 'building' we attend on Sunday, He's always out and about trying to have a conversation with us daily. So, if it's not intimacy we desire with God, or His voice we desire to hear; I guess we should ask ourselves: Why do I want to go to heaven?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"For God does speak - now one way, now another - though man may not perceive it." - Job 33:14

Friday, July 22, 2022

No Easy Way

True, it’s easier to walk down a hill than up it, but the view is from the top! – Anon

The rich young ruler who came to Jesus wanted an easy way into God’s kingdom, but Jesus’ answer cost him a little too much. Hmm!

We live in a society that continuously looks for the easy way of doing things but still expecting grand results. They think microwave dinners should taste like 5-star restaurant cooking, or a few months or years on the job should put them in the top position, or even reading a chapter or two of God’s word should make them intimate friends. And often we get caught up in such thinking as well. But in reality we must be willing to give in to discipline and apply ourselves to the task for the long haul if we want to reap the rewards that are truly satisfying and life fulfilling. If God truly does have blessings that “eyes have not seen nor ear heard” maybe a little bit more patient toiling can’t be all bad.

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life…” – James 1:12

Thursday, July 21, 2022

No Shine, Glitz or Glam Needed

I have learned that to be with those I like is enough. - Walt Whitman

Korah and his cohorts thought they should have a prominent place in the 'Lord's assembly.' That frame of mind was costly. OUCH!

How often do we get upset when our name doesn't get specifically mentioned when accolades are passed around? It often seems the more prominent folks get the notice and then 'the rest' or the 'supporting cast' gets casually mentioned. I've come to realize that's really not such a bad place or group to be in with God. When it comes to 'heavenly visions' the Word of God often mentions phrases like - 'a great crowd of witnesses', 'people from every tribe, language, and nation', 'those who had been victorious over the beast' - standing, celebrating, and praising in God's presence. I don't think anyone in those settings cares that they weren't given specific mention, only that they are part of the cast that made it in. And truly, that's all that should really matter. You are somebody to God!

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right...." - Acts 10:34-35

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Understanding God Enough to Trust Him Completely

I do not understand the ‘Theory of Relativity,’ but I do understand my husband. – Mrs. Elsa Einstein

Abram had no idea what God was after or where he was being sent, but he trusted God enough to leave home. Hmm!

We troll on our phones, scour the internet, watch the news, listen to the radio, read the newspapers and magazines, etc., because we want to be in the know. We want to be up to date with all that’s going on, to understand it all and how it impacts our lives. And when we don’t understand it we kind of ‘pooh-pooh’ it thinking it has no bearing or place in our lives. And often, that’s the way we treat the Word of God. That which we don’t understand just can’t apply to us is our way of thinking and living. But if we truly know God, though we may not understand His Word fully, we know it's given for our benefit, security, and salvation. His desire for us is not so much to know how the heavens go, but how to go to heaven. We may not understand all that He brings upon us today or tomorrow, but we can trust He’s at His work perfecting us, and that’s all that really matters.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“All scripture is God breathed and is useful………so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – II Timothy 3:16-17

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Growing Up

We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. - F. D. Roosevelt

Though he was only 8 years old when he became king, Josiah decided to be a man for God. WOW!

Ask any child 'Who do you want to be when you grow up?' and just listen to the answers. Most will posit a famous entertainer, rapper, or maybe an athlete. Others might answer a doctor, lawyer, business owner, etc. All great replies you would expect from children, but they don't answer the question. It's not 'what' (profession) do you want to be, but 'who' (character) do you want to be. Thinking along these lines we might ask ourselves are there any other 'childish ways' we may be rooted in. It's true God wants us to come to Him with 'childlike' faith (purity) but He doesn't want us to remain 'childish' (immature) in our ways. As we look at where we are right now, is this who we imagined we would be at this point in our lives years ago? Do I still throw temper tantrums? Do I still 'take my ball and go home' when I don't get my way? Hopefully we're a far better version than we ever thought possible, so we should praise God. If we're not who we want to be then we should also praise God, for there's still time to change; and then ask Him to shape us into 'who' we need to be for His glory.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put childish ways behind me." - I Corinthians 13:11

Monday, July 18, 2022

Use the Information

Some people will pay their tuition, and then defy you to give them an education. – R.A. Cook

Naaman traveled long and hard to get ‘cured’ of his leprosy, and then decided he didn’t like the remedy given. Hmm!

We live in the information age. It comes at us from all directions – TV, radio, internet, billboards, magazines, newspapers, and of course the phone at our fingertips – all the time. Most of the time we willingly go after it, but in the end its just news to us, it requires nothing of us, no changes, no challenges. Often, we use the same application process when it comes to our reading and studying of God’s Word. We love the information content, and though it does challenge us to change or charge us to be obedient, our old attitude wins out and we do nothing. Though the world’s news may not require anything of us God has said “we will all one day have to give an account.” If we’re going to acquire the understanding of His Word, it’s only practical to put it to use. That’s what life is for.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2

Friday, July 15, 2022

Everyday Genesis

The secret to being productive is to work on the right thing — even if it’s at a slow pace. - J. Clear

Paul preferred who he was becoming in Christ far and above the 'Pharisee of Pharisees' he once was. Hmm!

In one of my wife's favorite movies 'Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan' the Starfleet Federation scientists develop a technology that can create new life on a barren or frozen planet from scratch. It can form mountains, oceans, vegetation and its own sustaining atmosphere. Of course they call it the 'Genesis' project. I think on this and remember Jesus said "my Father is always at His work!" How often do we take for granted what God is creating new every day? Trees blossoming for example. God is not only creating beauty, but food as the cycle of new life continues. What He started 'in the beginning' continues under His Sovereign will today. And He is at work in re-creating in us Christ's likeness day after day after day. So, in essence you are a new creation today, far different than you were yesterday; and that is not only a great marvel but a reason to rejoice.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." - Isaiah 42:9

Saturday, July 9, 2022

"What IS" rather than "What IFs"

Your attention has value. Don't give it away. Stay focused! - M. Lagacè

When God told Moses "I AM THAT I AM", He pretty much meant that for all eternity. Hmm!

If there really is no place where God isn't, and if God is in every moment; then the great 'what if's' of life we tend to fret over are truly of our own making. God knows the rest of today and even tomorrow. And His promises are unbreakable. Inflation and gas prices may continue to rise - God is still in control. The wrong party may win the elections - God is still in control. To worry and fret is to go against Jesus' teaching "which of you by worrying can add his life?" The bible tells us not to dwell on the 'what if's' but to 'think about' "what is...noble, right, pure, lovely....etc." So whatever life may be tossing at us currently good or bad, our thoughts and prayers should be 'what is' God saying or doing in my life with this right now? Because He is a purposeful God, we can be sure there is 'good' in it and glory to come from it.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." - Isaiah 26:3

Thursday, July 7, 2022

A Fresh Start

Though the past is unchangeable, it does not have to be re-lived today. - Anon

For the woman brought to Jesus because of adultery, he didn’t change what she had done, he gave her freedom, and a command to leave it behind. AMEN!

There is a mathematic phrase that states ‘the whole is equal to the sum of its parts,’ meaning that the end result will never be greater than what the numbers add up to, no matter how you arrange them. For example, you can slice a pizza in quarters, eighths, sixteenths – but it is still one pizza. It can never be greater than one pizza. That may be true in math but not so in life. We can be greater than our past. Though we can’t change it, we don’t have to let it limit us or hold us hostage, fearing we can never overcome any limitations it may try to place on us. One of the greatest examples of this is our salvation in Christ. We can never change our past sinful life, but God blots it out, forgets it, wipes our slate clean and tells us to go forth and prosper in His name. So we no longer have to be ‘weighed’ down by yesterday, or think we can’t start anew, that’s why He’s given us today – to start anew. Well, what are you waiting for...

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“……No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God…” – Luke 9:62

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The Choice Is Yours

You are exactly who you’ve chosen to be! – Anon

Joseph’s character was never in question, and he made sure it stayed that way. Just ask Potiphar’s wife. Hmm!

From the moment we wake up each day until the moment we nod off at night, our life’s tapestry is knitted together by the decisions and choices we make. What to do, what to say, what to meditate on, etc… You can choose to dwell on your health problems, financial issues, or other challenges in your life, or you can choose to remind yourself of the blessings God has brought to you and brought you through. The choice of being bitter or better is not ‘forced’ upon us by life’s situations, it’s a conscious choice or decision we make alone. The one thing that should always remain in our consciousness is that ‘if God is God?’ our every decision should be made in light of His wisdom…… and man o’ man, does God have some answers.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“….but the wisdom that comes from heaven, is first of all pure; then peace-loving” – James 3:17

Good Through the Frustrations

Life is often unfair, that’s why there’s God. - Anon

Though life threw all it had at Joseph, his perseverance and trust in God was eventually rewarded. Amen!

Sometimes the toast gets burnt, the kid spills the milk, the car breaks down, or maybe we get stuck in a traffic jam. These are minor frustrations of life, but we must catch ourselves, slow down, gain perspective and not let these minor frustrations become a major attitude issue. Every day God gives us is perfect, but yet it doesn’t mean everything that happens will be good and perfect. But His promise is to take it all and bring good from it in His good time if we remain faithful and true. The frustrations that happen to us rob God neither of His power or promises. So, in spite of the frustrations we might face, an attitude of gratitude will win the day with God.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days you will return to the Lord your God…. For the Lord your God is a merciful God….” – Deuteronomy 4:30-31

Monday, July 4, 2022

Restraint in Freedom

The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do. – E. Hoffer

Paul stated “in Christ he was free to do all things,” but that if “eating meat” caused offense to his brother, he would eat no meat. What a COST to pay!

When you really stop to think about it, the whole concept of freedom is wrapped up in GOD. He is free and able to do ALL THINGS, yet He restrains himself on our behalf. Our sins are punishable by death, yet God chose NOT to condemn us to hell, but save us by grace. And that my friend is a mighty awesome example of true freedom. Happy 4th of July, but better yet, Praise God for your SALVATION!

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.” – I Corinthians 9:19

Friday, July 1, 2022

Vessels of Use

God doesn't call people who are qualified. He calls people who are willing, and then He qualifies them. - R. Parker

From slave to 2nd in command of a nation (Joseph). From ruddy shepherd boy to king of Israel (David). From lowly fishermen to Jesus' standard bearers (disciples). There's definitely a PATTERN there. Hmm!

It's often amazing how many of us will say we believe God can do great things through His people. However, when it comes to Him using us, we don't think He'll do it because we just aren't 'there yet' for Him to use us. The truth is God IS NOT looking for people who are 'there yet' to use, He's looking for those who have a willing heart to be of service, ANY service for the kingdom. First of all, we can't get 'there yet' without Him, and second, none of us really know where 'there yet' is - only God does. And as we willingly obey Him in service we will find ourselves moving closer and closer to what He has purposed for us. May we all be vessels of use today.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be MY WITNESSES in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8