Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

God Assisted Aspirations

If it doesn’t scare you a little, you are dreaming way too small! – Richard Murray

Moses said to God “who am I to go before Pharaoh?” God reminded him with “I’m going!” Amen!

They’re called big events! Life-changers. The ‘wedding’ day! The ‘home purchase’ day. The ‘baby comes’ day. Yes, these and others like them cause you to pause and wonder, with some trepidation about your readiness and ability to succeed. The challenge that lies ahead. Can you meet it alone? That’s the reality of dreams and aspirations for life. If they aren’t challenging enough for us to be dependent on someone greater than ourselves – GOD – then they really aren’t big enough. God walks with us every step of the way, but He will not do for us what He knows we can do for ourselves. But when it comes to the ‘impossible’ that’s His domain, and He remains at the ready if only we are willing to ask, for He wants to bring us good and glory to His name. If you have the dream you also have the means.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7-8

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Soul Prints

Life is just a chance to grow a soul. – A. P. Davies

Before Jesus laid down his life for us, he impacted 11 others who did pretty much the same thing. That’s growth. Hmm!

We spend a great deal of our life dealing in cryptic clichés; ‘trying to figure it all out,’ ‘asking what does it mean,’ and ‘how do I make the best of things.’ But God in His infinite wisdom has granted us purpose and provision to fulfill that purpose in a meaningful way. The end result of this life as we know it is to properly mature our soul for the next life. We’re not to get so bogged down or tied up in the affairs here that we ‘can’t’ or ‘won’t’ leave, but we’re to make this place somehow better by our being here. It’s not the situations or circumstances that we endure or overcome so much that help us grow, but the lives we impact in those situations and circumstances, and the amount we give of ourselves. Just like a seed grows from the inside out, so do we. That’s the way God designed it.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“For every living soul belongs to me, the father as well as the son – both alike belong to me. The soul who sins is the one who will die.” – Ezekiel 18:4

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Life According to The Master's Plan

Our task is not to do the master planning, but the planning of the Master. – Richard Murray

God gave Noah exact measurements on the ark, it worked. Jesus gave two of the disciples exact instructions on preparing for the last supper, it was just as he said. Maybe we should just listen and obey. Hmm!

Midlife crises! Biological clocks ticking! Lifetime achievements. It’s truly amazing how many lives are impacted by such events, and the great strides we take and hurdles we leap to make such inroads to the life we dream about. Dreams and aspirations caused by our own man-made thinking and desires, often cause us to cast aside the purposes of God for our own. True, life as it is now may not have panned out the way we planned it, but it may be going just the way the Lord planned it. The great thing is our life is still going, so the sky is still the limit and untold blessings are still possible. When it comes to God’s plan maybe we need to try it His way, on His terms. History has proven Him right every time.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm.” – Psalm 37:23

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Make the Necessary Adjustments

The best way to predict your future is to create it. – Anon

Through all of his setbacks and heartaches Joseph was successful not so much because God was with him, but more so because he stayed with God. Hmm!

The good thing about life is as God gives us each day we have opportunity to shape our future by what we do today. Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is by choice. Therefore, knowing the destiny we seek; it should help us in our decisions and actions today. No one is born a failure or destined a mediocre life, it’s all in the choices we make and the consequences they bring. God is not against us having a prosperous life, a comfortable lifestyle, or a sunny disposition; He’s only against us having a life without Him at the center of it. So if we’re not happy with where we are or where we’re headed, today is a great opportunity to begin making changes.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live..” – Deuteronomy 30:19

Friday, January 31, 2025

The Pursuit of Better

If you are good, be better. – Anon

Cornelius lived a righteous and devout life and loved giving alms to God. Peter told him how to live even better. AMEN!

A wise Elder of ours lived his life by the credo “education begins the day you’re born and ends the day you die.” Many of us often live our lives as if we’ve peaked, we’ve reached a certain age or status and so we’ve settled in there – “good enough” we say. Some of us have accomplished major goals and aspirations and we’ve settled there – “I made it” we say. But just as the products we buy are often ‘New and Improved’ God is always at His work in our lives, trying to better shape, purge, refine, and polish us that we may shine even brighter for Him. So no matter how far we’ve come and how miraculous our change for the better has been, He’s not finished so neither should we be.

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.” – Proverbs 21:21

Thursday, January 23, 2025

How to Survive in Hard Knock U

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas Edison

Paul refused to lose; he said he “became all things to all men” just so he could win them. Hmm!

Life – it’s often called the ‘School of Hard Knocks.’ And guess what, we’re all enrolled, free of charge. And the lessons just keep on coming. And it matters not how young or old we may be, how experienced or new, there’s always a chance we will possibly slip up. But, when we take time to learn from them, new doors and opportunities are opened up to us. And the good thing about attending the University of Hard Knocks is God has surrounded us with classmates who’ve potentially tried a few things we’re thinking about. Why not swap some stories and seek some advice from them. After all, life is an open book test (bible) and God put others in our lives for good reason.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“…But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” – Luke 22:32

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Just Plant. Results Will Follow

Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results. – D. Wholey

The little lad packed a lunch for the day. He just didn’t know it was enough for 5000 plus. AMEN!

It’s a true saying that if you plant tomatoes you will get tomatoes – not carrots or peas, etc. But the fact of the planting is you won’t know how many tomatoes you’ll get or what size they will be, or if they will be flavorful. You just plant and let God do the rest. Too often we begin with the end result or expectation in mind and grow frustrated when it doesn’t work out the way we planned. All we can be responsible for is what we do. It’s the only arena of life we can control. Now we may expect results, but we can’t demand them. We must leave room for God to operate in our lives to bring about His purposes. After all, any results He brings are always for our good.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.” – Acts 20:22.”

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Embracing Change

The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there. – Vince Lombardi

David was Israel’s greatest king, but he had many battles before AND after he took the throne. AMEN!

We like to think life should remain constant and our situations should never change, but change is really the one constant in life. We’re up today and down or under attack tomorrow and wonder why. God never promised us an easy or comfortable life. He promised us a life filled with His presence. If we stop and think about it; life would be pretty boring without any battles or friction to help smooth out our rough edges and remind us we can’t do it alone. If we truly expect success or significance in our life the only way is by dedicated effort and obedience to God’s will.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” – Daniel 2:20-21

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Forged in the Mundane

Character is not made in a crisis, it is only exhibited. – Sparks

Moses spent 40 years toiling as a shepherd. God felt that was long enough to develop him into a leader for his people. Hmm!

We often look for character-building ideas and exercises to help us prepare for the major emergencies and turmoil in our life, on our jobs, and elsewhere. But true character is not learned in the classroom or high pressure situations, it can only be forged through the mundane activities of the day. It is a maturing process that comes over time, mainly time spent alone with God. The general truth is that what you do while you’re alone, you’ll do when the heat is on as well. If our character is suspect in the dark, it will be suspect in the light of the moment as well. Life’s situations will be calling upon us today, hopefully we'll be ready?

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that that you should follow in his steps…..When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” – I Peter 2:21, 23

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The God Experience

You can’t live by expectations, life must be experienced! – Anon

In Jesus, the people expected a great earthly king. Those who knew Him experienced something far greater. Hmm!

“Chip off the old block!” “That’s my boy!” “You are your mother’s daughter!” We often use these terms of endearment for our children when they do things we approve of and/or expect them to do by virtue of their ‘bloodline.’ Admittedly, we can have reasonable expectations of them that they adopt the same principles, beliefs, and life goals that we have, but in truth we cannot expect anyone to live or experience life the way we want them to. No one can live up to our expectations because expectations are founded upon our own personal experiences and beliefs. Our children have not reached this plateau and won’t as their experiences will be quite different and filtered through their belief system. This is crucial in our understanding and walking with God. Though He has given us His Word and His Spirit to guide us, His only ‘expectation’ is that we EXPERIENCE Him. That’s when life truly begins.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“…taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him…” – Psalm 34:8

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Good That Will Come

There is no situation so chaotic that God cannot from that situation, create something that is surpassingly good. He did it at creation, he did it at the cross, and he’ll be doing it today. – Handley C. G. Moule

The parting of the Red Sea, water from a rock, manna from heaven, feeding 5,000 - you get the idea here. Amen!

Oftentimes when we’re up against life, and our circumstances or relationships are overbearing and taxing us, or our resources are thread-bare and stressing us, we forget about the God who has brought us thus far, or we feel like He can’t handle this one. But if earth has no problems heaven can’t solve, we must keep trusting Him in all situations, and see things from His perspective and purpose, knowing that His purposes are always for our good.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Do You Really Want to Go There?

He who chooses the beginning of a road also chooses the place it leads to. – H. E. Fosdick

Esau chose to sell his birthright for a bowl of stew. It eventually led to him losing his blessing and inheritance. OUCH!

Avenue. Street. Lane. Highway. Etc. Every road leads somewhere, even if it’s to a dead-end. The question we must decide is do I want to go there? God will let us make our own choices whatever they may be. But even when we make the wrong choice, He gently tries to steer us back to the right road to keep us from the heartache and pain that lies ahead. Often the only reason we suffer is because we miss or ignore the ‘road signs’ He gives. Like any good driver we must be alert and always watch out for the ‘other guy.’ May you travel on “Blessing Boulevard’ today!

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God…” – Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Friday, November 8, 2024

Pain's Purpose

What is crucial in life is not HOW we get out of pain, but rather, WHAT we get out of it. - A. Christing

After being beaten, flogged, and cast into prison, in the midst of their pain Paul and Silas began to praise God. Wow, what a relief!

Pain, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc., no one likes it and the sooner we can get out/rid of it, the better. Truthfully though it serves a purpose, to let us know something is amiss, or out of order in our life. And to try and hurry to the cure or relief point without understanding the cause is like cutting down weeds without pulling up the root - they will grow back. The key is to know why it occurs, then put into practice habits and actions that will keep it from re-occurring. God knows pain and its effects on us, but often He has to leave the burden much longer than necessary because of our slowness to understand why and apply His remedies.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"...Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me..." - II Corinthians 12:9

Monday, October 28, 2024

Life In Order

Life is much too complicated not to be orderly. – Anon

Daniel’s life was such that he needed to stop all he was doing to pray at least 3 times a day. It kept him focused!

It’s a debate that has been going on almost since the beginning of time: Did God actually create the heavens and the earth or did they just ‘spring’ forth from chaos (big bang). I think by now all of us are smart enough to know from personal experiences that chaos only creates more chaos, not order or peace. Man can explain how things may work in God’s creation, but he can’t explain why they work. And he knows if they don’t work properly we have chaos and disorder. The bottom line in all of this for us is that unless we put our life in proper order – God first in all things – we too will suffer chaos, disorder, and disappointment in greater proportion than normal.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” – I Corinthians 14:40

Thursday, October 17, 2024

New Point of View

We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are. – Anais Nin

Mary & Martha believed Jesus as the son of God but could only see him as human like them. When Lazarus died, their “eyes” were opened! Wow!

Often, the hardest thing to see is what is right before us. Why, because we often have a fixed or made-up mind of what it should be. We live most of life this way. But God is asking us to trust Him, have faith that He knows what He is doing though it may not appear so to us. We must remember just as God is not through with us, He also is not through with those around us and those in our lives. Our call is not to make or pass judgment on them based on our flaws or imperfections but to see every bit of God at work in their life as much as possible, and help it along.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Peter replied, ‘I have never eaten anything impure or unclean." The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." - Acts 10:14-15

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Get Better, Take Your Meds

When we worry…’s like putting God on hold. – Anon

After the crucifixion Peter suffered with anxiety. At that breakfast on the beach Jesus put it all to rest. AMEN!

Aspirin! Ibuprofen! Acetaminophen! All readily available over-the-counter medicines to help alleviate, reduce, and even eliminate our aches and pains. But for many of us, myself included, we just don’t like the idea of medicines if we can avoid it, so we do. We’ll deal with the pain as best we can. Often, we treat our God the same…..choosing to ‘worry’ rather than pray and seek His counsel, choosing to fret over the issue rather than invite Him into our suffering. Just like we put off the pain reliever we put off God…..putting Him on hold in our lives. The One who supplies all our needs and ‘gives strength to the weary’ is always at the ready to assist. So next time you pray…. don’t press the ‘hold’ button – just cast all your cares on Him.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“….Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” – Matthew 6:27

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Observable Servanthood

You can experience a whole lot just by paying attention! - Anon

Jesus came not just to speak God's Word, but to reveal the extent of God's love. WOW!

Object lessons at times are so much more powerful and meaningful than spoken lessons. The objective as seen goes directly into the eyes of the mind and then to the heart. That was Jesus' intention when He washed the disciples' feet. To 'teach' them service comes from a heart of love. It sees a need and is greatly moved, compelled even. to seek out and fulfill it. The lesson itself wasn't so much the actual 'washing' of the feet as it was the 'heart/mind' seeing the need and being unable to restrain itself from acting out of love regardless of the perceived hierarchy. Servanthood is the steppingstone to greatness. Any takers?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"...As the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28

Friday, August 23, 2024

Number the Days Wisely

You may delay, but time will not. – Benjamin Franklin

Though God wears not a watch nor has a calendar, He knew exactly when to rescue Israel AND send us a Savior. Hmm!

The ‘inevitable.’ Whatever it is, it’s what everyone wants to put off until the last moment. But try as we may, time will not stop, slow down, nor be added to keep it from happening. God has given us each an allotted number of days in His book, and the desire of His heart is that we come to know Him personally and fulfill the purpose for which He created us. Today we are a bit closer to the end of our time than the beginning, so it should motivate us to set our relationships right, live at peace with each other, and most of all square things with God.

I will be leaving for a few days of vacation beginning today. So until I return this keyboard will be silent…

Pastor Botts

“….all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” – Psalm 139:16

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Blending Together

Life is like being a simple letter in the alphabet. It can be meaningless standing alone, or it can be part of a great spelling in fellowship with other letters. – Jewish Proverb

Apollos was a greatly educated orator. After spending time with Aquila and Priscilla he became an even greater preacher. Amen!

Supercalifragilistic expealidocious! Other than the song from ‘Mary Poppins’ I really don’t think the word exists or has meaning – but the letters together look and sound quite grand and added something to the song. The life God has called us to live out in his glory is along the same lines. The various sub and eco-systems of His creation work in perfect harmony to make this planet perfect for us to live on and His expectation is all of us working together in harmony to bring a song of victory or praise to Him. That’s why fellowship is so important – it helps us blend together to bring perfect pitch to the melody of life. Are you in or out?

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will praise you.” – Psalm 35:18

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Out of the Ordinary

Life is for one act only; improvisation is required! – Anon

Gideon and his 300 men defeated the Midianites without a sword among them. Just trumpets, empty jars, shouts, and of course – God. Hmm!

Complacency, conformity, and rigidity are too common in our lives. We love being where we are, who we are; and will fight anyone tooth and nail to keep things the way they are. We forget we serve a God who manifested Himself in many diverse ways. He’s the master of improvisation. He made even ‘devout’ folks like Elijah and Peter eat things they considered unclean, or go places they felt beneath them, just to bring glory to His name. So we, though confident in our faith; should never feel God won’t ‘stretch’ us in ways that require us to improvise. We need remember that though God loves us as we are, He’s making us into what He wants us to be, and that may require us being ‘bent out of shape’ by Him and for Him. Here’s hoping we’re all somewhat flexible.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“….I can do everything through Him who gives me strength…” – Philippians 4:13