Saul thought he did nothing wrong in not completely destroying the Amalekites as God commanded, it only cost him a kingdom. Hmm!
We often look at life and try to categorize it into big and little issues. And in the big issues we assign more weight to doing right or being obedient than we do in the smaller issues. In these so often we like to think its all in how you look at things, keep them in a shade of ‘grey’ to satisfy our inner self that we are okay with God. But God’s Word has no shade of ‘grey,’ and with Him there are no big or little issues. He means exactly what He says and when we fail to heed and obey in the least bit, no matter how we twist things to suit our situation, in His eyes it is sin plain and simple. And no, it may not be a big deal in the way we look at things, but then again in the final analysis; our standing before Him and giving an account won’t be viewed in the way we look at things, but in the way He has already set forward.
Until tomorrow…
Pastor Botts
“…Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, SINS.” – James 4:17