Showing posts with label makes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label makes. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Life According to The Master's Plan

Our task is not to do the master planning, but the planning of the Master. – Richard Murray

God gave Noah exact measurements on the ark, it worked. Jesus gave two of the disciples exact instructions on preparing for the last supper, it was just as he said. Maybe we should just listen and obey. Hmm!

Midlife crises! Biological clocks ticking! Lifetime achievements. It’s truly amazing how many lives are impacted by such events, and the great strides we take and hurdles we leap to make such inroads to the life we dream about. Dreams and aspirations caused by our own man-made thinking and desires, often cause us to cast aside the purposes of God for our own. True, life as it is now may not have panned out the way we planned it, but it may be going just the way the Lord planned it. The great thing is our life is still going, so the sky is still the limit and untold blessings are still possible. When it comes to God’s plan maybe we need to try it His way, on His terms. History has proven Him right every time.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm.” – Psalm 37:23

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

You Must Master It

Following the path of least resistance is what makes most rivers and men crooked. – Anon

Even after getting counsel directly from God, Cain went his own way. We all know where that path led him. Hmm!

There exists within all of us the desire to do wrong, and the need to ‘master sin’. Paul lamented about his inward struggles that were such that even when he wanted to do good evil was still right there with him. Discipline and dedication truly are very hard things, but it is something God requires of us on a consistent basis nonetheless, if we are to be obedient. The key is learning to let Christ live in us and through us. He’s the one who has defeated sin and will bring us to victory as well if we so desire. I pray He orders our steps today.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” – Genesis 4:7

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Life Hurts, Stay Faithful

A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful – 5 years later. - Richard Murray

The birth of her grandson Obed renewed a long dormant spirit in Naomi’s heart. Hmm!

Live long enough and you’ll learn sooner or later that life hurts sometimes. The truth of the matter is life will break our hearts a few times. God does not always give us what we want or ask for. He in His divine wisdom knows what’s best for us – but He will always, always show us or tell us why He did not answer in the way we desired if we remain faithful and give Him time to show us His much greater plan or vision. We must remember life doesn’t all happen in the here and now moment, and that God is much more concerned with our eternal destiny than our immediate temporary comforts, but even still in this, He will not put more on us that we can bear. So, no matter where we are or what we’re going through right now, we just need to hang in there and hang on to God.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" - Philippians 4:4

P.S. - From this point forward we will be fasting from all social media use until Saturday morning 11am, including internet usage (unless needed for work). This will be the last TFT transmission until next week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Master it!

Following the path of least resistance is what makes most rivers and men crooked. – Anon
Even after getting counsel directly from God, Cain went his own way. We all know where that path led him. Hmm!
There exists within all of us the desire to do wrong, and the need to ‘master sin’. Paul lamented about his inward struggles that were such that even when he wanted to do good evil was still right there with him. Discipline and dedication truly is a very hard thing, but it is something God requires of us on a consistent basis nonetheless, if we are to be obedient. The key is learning to let Christ live in us and through us. He’s the one who has defeated sin and will bring us to victory as well if we so desire. I pray He orders our steps today.
Until tomorrow..…..
Pastor Botts
“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” – Genesis 4:7

Friday, October 4, 2019

In a Hurry? Relax.

Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind! - A. Sklivis
Throughout the whole bible there was never a time God or His Son was in a hurry. Hmm!
Haste makes more than waste, it makes folks tired. There is almost an inverse relationship when you really think about it. The more patient we are, the more accepting we will be of what is, rather than insisting that life be exactly as we would like it to be. Without patience, life is extremely frustrating. We become easily annoyed, bothered, and irritated. Patience adds a degree of ease and acceptance to life, and it’s essential for inner peace. One key to having this patience is learning to look for and see the innocence in the situations that arise that test us. People interrupt us or situations arise not out of conspiracy but because life happens. Our loved ones show up unexpectedly, street lights slow us up, long lines crop up, not because of a vendetta against us; but because life was never supposed to be catered to us but lived by us. To try and hurry it along only brings stress, and I imagine it makes God laugh a bit too!
Until Monday......
Pastor Botts
"....But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience...." - Galatians 5:22
Hope you can make it out for our Sunday School Devotional this week at 9am!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Procrastination made it grow

Procrastination is the fertilizer that makes difficulties grow. – J. Maxwell
Because the Israelites didn’t think they were ready to take the Promised Land it cost them 40 years in the desert wilderness. OUCH!
Small projects that have become monumental tasks. Small issues that have become mega problems filled with drama. All because we did not attack them when they first surfaced. The truth is all problems grow if we don’t focus on them immediately and plan some course of action. The first step is always to remember who we are and who we belong to. And since there’s nothing too hard for our God, we should trust Him for the strength, wisdom, knowledge, and other resources we will need. Since tomorrow is not promised today is a good day to start.
Until tomorrow….
Pastor Botts
“….and my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

Comfort in Time

A broken heart is what makes life so wonderful – 5 years later. - Richard Murray
The birth of her grandson Obed renewed a long dormant spirit in Naomi’s heart. Hmm!
Live long enough and you’ll learn sooner or later that life hurts sometimes. The truth of the matter is life will break our hearts a few times. God does not always give us what we want or ask for. He in His divine wisdom knows what’s best for us – but He will always, always show us or tell us why He did not answer in the way we desired if we remain faithful and give Him time to show us His much greater plan or vision. We must remember life doesn’t all happen in the here and now moment, and that God is much more concerned with our eternal destiny than our immediate temporary comforts, but even still in this, He will not put more on us that we can bear. So, no matter where we are or what we’re going through right now, we just need to hang in there and hang on to God.
Until tomorrow…..
Pastor Botts                                                
“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” – Philippians 4:4

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Sensible Preparation

Yes, men do make counterfeit money, but more often than naught, money makes counterfeit men. - S. Harris
Rehoboam's focus on more taxation made him a lesser man than his father Solomon. OUCH!
The love of money, the attraction, the affectations it brings, the power it yields, the satisfaction and happiness it promises - it's all smoke and mirrors. Yes, we need money to survive in this life, exist in this culture, but no matter how much we have it does not and should not define us, nor should others measure us by it. Jesus told us we should use 'worldly wealth to gain friends' (Luke 16:9) so that one day we 'might be welcomed into eternal dwellings.' So I think the question we should sometimes ask ourselves is: what are we doing with the other 90%, how is that portion showing out in my life? That does bear some thought, doesn't it? Will anybody be in heaven based on my spending patterns? The best use of your dollar$ and ¢ent$ is to be $en$ible in preparation for tomorrow.
Until Monday.....
Pastor Botts
"....for where your treasure in there your heart will be also..." - Matthew 6:22
Note: The Discipleship class will be meeting this Sunday at 9:15AM.
Men's Bible Study will be at 4pm.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Specific Instructions

Our task is not to do the master planning, but the planning of the Master. – Richard Murray
God gave Noah exact measurements on the ark, it worked. Jesus gave two of the disciples exact instructions on preparing for the last supper, it was just as he said. Maybe we should just listen and obey. Hmm!
Getting in the 'right' school. Living in the 'right' neighborhood. Marrying into the 'right' family, etc. It’s truly amazing how many lives are impacted by such events, and the great strides we take and hurdles we leap to make such inroads to the life we dream about. Dreams and aspirations caused by our own man-made thinking and desires, which cause us to cast aside the purposes of God for our own. True, life as it is now may not have panned out the way we planned it, but it may be going just the way the Lord planned it. The great thing is our life is still going, so the sky is still the limit and untold blessings are still possible. When it comes to God’s plan maybe we need to try it His way, on His terms. History has proven Him right every time.
Until tomorrow……..
Pastor Botts
“If the Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm.” – Psalm 37:23

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Letting Go

Some people think it’s holding on that makes one strong, sometimes it’s letting go. – S. Robinson

Paul said he was a Hebrew of Hebrews, and a Pharisee of Pharisees. But on that Damascus road he realized Jesus was all he needed. He counted everything else a loss. Hmm!

Learning how to walk! Learning how to ride a bike! Living on our own! All of these breakthroughs in our lives involve letting go of someone we’ve relied on and trusting in our own ability. Done successfully, we become stronger, and more confident. Our relationship with God is the same. We must learn to fully trust in an unseen, yet fully alive God; and let go of the ‘crutches’ we have in our lives. To move forward at times we must let go of the comfortable, the known, the sure thing, and move toward the unknown to which God is calling us for maturity, and just trust Him. Remember, we walk by faith, not sight or certainty.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…” – Philippians 3:7-8

Friday, December 16, 2016

Going Through

God does not offer us a way out of the adversities of life. He offers us a way through, and that makes all the difference. -W.T. Purkiser

God ‘parted’ the sea for the Israelites to walk through, he didn’t magically make it disappear, nor did He make them superhuman. Hmm!

Some years ago the Temptations recorded a song ‘Ball of Confusion – That’s What the World is Today.’ For many it still is. For we who belong to God, it can be when we begin to try and see it through our own eyes and conquer it in our own strength. One thing is certain whether we trust God or not - we will certainly see and experience adversity firsthand, and if we are not prepared it can often be quite confusing and impede our efforts. The instinct of a Christian is that we know adversity is a part of life, but we also know and trust that God will see us through it. So our prayers are not so much “Lord, get me out of this mess,” but moreso “Lord, I trust you will provide all I need to persevere, and I pray I will gain insight from this to give greater glory to you.” Knowing this makes any day bearable.

Until Monday….

Pastor Botts

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

P.S. - Don't forget tomorrow. If it's raining we gather at 9AM at the church for Prayer Breakfast. If it's not raining we gather at 10AM the park for the kick-ball rematch. Hope you can make it.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Finding Happiness

It is not our position that makes us happy or unhappy, it’s our disposition. – R. Murray

Rehoboam took over the great kingdom of his father Solomon, and immediately got mad at the people. Hmm!

It takes all kinds of people to make up this crazy mixed-up world, unfortunately many are – sad, unhappy, depressed, etc. – and the truth is they don’t have to be that way, it all depends on how you look at life. God has gifted us with that life, but how we live it and enjoy its ups and downs, starts and stops, and sometimes indecipherable events is solely up to us as individuals. Material blessings may make life a bit more comfortable or easygoing, but they can never make one happy; for happiness is an attitude and heart choice. And though God says we should “choose life and its blessings;” He will not force us to do so. So if we’re waiting or looking for happiness, just know it’s been there all along.

Until Monday….

Pastor Botts

“A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” – Proverbs 15:13