Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

Power to Move

The task ahead of us is never as great as the POWER behind us. – Anon

Abraham, he had to leave his homeland, his people, and his father’s house to go someplace God would eventually show him. By God's grace he MADE IT!

Mountains - it seems at times as if life is full of them and they are always in our path. Some of our own making, and others as tests of faith, and each one seems to present a different climate, terrain, and angle to conquer, at times calling on us to make some drastic changes in the way we live before God. Maybe there’s some sin God is continually redressing us on that we need to correct or change, or maybe He wants to develop even a deeper commitment to His kingdom work in us, or maybe He's even trying to move us away from those He knows who are not good for us. Life may seem like an impossibility right now, but we must remember we've made it this far by the power of God, and He's faithful to the end.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’” – Matthew 17:19-21

Thursday, February 6, 2025

It Takes Two to Make It Out of Sight

How may I assist you? - Salesperson

What made the battle between little scrawny David and Goliath legendary was that David went to the battle. Hmm!

Assist - to aid or help someone in need. A befitting definition. However, so often our prayers for God's help are actual pleas for Him to do it for us. We pray "Lord deliver me from......", or "Father, bring about a revolution......" and sit back watching and waiting for God to do it all. But that's not how it works. When we ask God for help we must be willing to do whatever we can, using whatever means He has already given us to assist Him in aiding us. God will not do what He knows we ourselves can do, but He will give us strength, provision, inspiration, and motivation to go beyond. His instructions to Gideon were "go in the strength you have.." God was essentially saying "I am your strength and I will work with you and through you" if you are willing. It was a classic test of God asking him will you trust me. Here today, God is asking us the same. So, will you?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us...." - Ephesians 3:20

Friday, November 8, 2024

Pain's Purpose

What is crucial in life is not HOW we get out of pain, but rather, WHAT we get out of it. - A. Christing

After being beaten, flogged, and cast into prison, in the midst of their pain Paul and Silas began to praise God. Wow, what a relief!

Pain, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc., no one likes it and the sooner we can get out/rid of it, the better. Truthfully though it serves a purpose, to let us know something is amiss, or out of order in our life. And to try and hurry to the cure or relief point without understanding the cause is like cutting down weeds without pulling up the root - they will grow back. The key is to know why it occurs, then put into practice habits and actions that will keep it from re-occurring. God knows pain and its effects on us, but often He has to leave the burden much longer than necessary because of our slowness to understand why and apply His remedies.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"...Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me..." - II Corinthians 12:9

Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Power of Change

The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress. - C. Kettering

The Israelites wanted freedom from bondage, yet when God was bringing it about through Moses they sure complained a whole lot. Hmm!

We look forward to it, but yet we abhor it at the same time. What is it - CHANGE! We embrace the idea of new adventures, relationships, opportunities per se, but we hate letting go of existing ties. Like a child going away to college, they know they'll eventually form new relationships and gain new friends, but also the friends and relationships they leave behind will change, or possibly die. But the fact of the matter is God brings change in our lives to grow/mature us and even shows us more of His majesty and purpose for us. In truth, the only constant in life is change. All of us come here as infants, but look at us now, my have we changed! And not just in shape or appearance, but in thoughts and attitudes. If God is truly leading us in our lives, then change should never be feared - even when we don't fully understand if. We should just trust in the One who's leading, that He knows the way ahead. After all, change is a good part of the life God has for us.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed." - I Samuel 10:6

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Saying NO to Misery

True enough, misery may love company; but no one said it had to be you. – Sparks

The rich man died and opened his eyes in hell, then wanted the company of Lazarus to ‘wet’ his parched tongue. Abraham said sorry, no can do. AMEN!

There is a big difference between being comforting and just wallowing in misery. One is born of love the other selfishness. Misery is a tool of the enemy that melts the heart. The real reason many of us often wind up in the company of misery is we fail to acknowledge the power of the Spirit within us to just say ‘NO,’ I will not be a part of this. The Word tells us ‘do not quench the Spirit.’ When we do, we’re on our own. We are each responsible for maintaining the inward joy Jesus brings to us, and SHARING that joy wherever we go. Go for it!

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” – Proverbs 17:22

The Power of 1

Where you see 1 ant you see great power! - Anon

Moses didn't make it into the Promised Land, but the difference he made with his life earned him a spot in eternal glory. WOW!

In the era of ABC's 'Schoolhouse Rock', the number 1 was considered a 'magic' number. Why, well just think, the greatest number increases when you add this small digit to it. And when a critical decision has to be voted on, 1 vote can make all the difference. That's some power when you think about it. That makes you or me a majority of 1. Applying ourselves to the work of God today without fear or worrying about what others will think or do, gives a little more steam to the engine, and only God knows what that can bring about. Yes, growing by multiples is great, but more often than not, all it takes is 1. Lest we never forget, 1 death on the cross made all the difference!

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"...greater is He that is within me than anything in the whole world..." I John 4:4

Monday, May 6, 2024

Yielding to Love

Christianity is not the act of man finally submitting to the power of God, but rather man fully surrendering to the love of God. – W. Barclay

Peter thought he loved Jesus until that fateful night. After that he really learned what love meant. AMEN!

“Stubborn! Obstinate! Hard-headed!” All adjectives that have possibly been applied to us sometime in our life. Those situations where we were unwilling to bend or submit for another. It’s actually a carryover from our infancy when we were shaping our personality. Unfortunately, this type of thinking is often what keeps us separated from God. We think He wants us to ‘knuckle under’ His all encompassing power and we refuse to give ourselves up. Actually, all God wants to do is love us, but for that it takes surrender or a bit of vulnerability. God never forces himself on anyone, but anyone who has truly found Him often wonders what took them so long to surrender.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” – Revelation 3:20

Friday, December 15, 2023

Bigger Than His Words

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. - J. Lennon

You ever wonder what language the heavens use to 'declare' God's glory? WOW!

Here is a mind-blowing truth: God is ALWAYS bigger than anything He says or promises. Why, because words are truly inadequate to fully express His person and what He can truly do. Language is OUR means of communication - with its ideas and definitions - with one another. And as grandiose as we can make it, words could never contain or express the fullness of God Himself, no matter it be Latin, Greek, Hebrew, or the King's perfect English! And if God transcends language, can you truly imagine how great then His promises must be? And how powerful His Spirit at work in us can and should be? So I guess the question is: How great is our God, and how GREAT should He be?

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

" him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS POWER that is at work within us...." - Ephesians 3:20

Friday, November 3, 2023

Time Best Spent

Wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to proper use. - T. Watson

When it came to building the ark, Noah didn't know how much time he had but he also didn't waste any of it. Hmm!

A smart phone! That's what I have. And it often tells me things I guess I should be made aware of. Like, each month it will give a summary of my time driving and show me the day I traveled the most miles. Yeah! Like I really, really need to know that. But one thing I did notice is the total time I spent driving (hours/minutes). It made me wonder. What if the phone tracked the amount of time we spent on social media, the amount of time we spent following news leads/individuals, podcasts, playing games, or just amusing ourselves with pictures or recipes, etc? Would we like the results? Could some of that time have been better spent in prayer, meditation, or even meaningful conversation with a family member or friend? I know we use these distractions to escape for a breather, but some distractions actually steal opportunities, while others hinder our obedience to "seek the things of God and His righteousness." Though it is a smart phone, I think we should be smart as to how we use it instead of letting it use us.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." - Ephesians 5:15-16

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Enough Prayer for the Journey

A day without prayer is a day without power. - Anon

You ever wonder why Jesus often got away early in the morning to pray? Hmm!

Ask anyone who has ever driven across the country and 1 thing they will tell you is before you embark on each day's drive make sure the gas tank is full. In this day and age of electric cars, the last thing you want to do is run out of power/fuel. How about us in our spiritual life? Do we check the fuel gauge or power up each morning? So often we just start the day with a cup of coffee (tea) with toast and off we go. No time for a conversation with God, no time to read His Word, no time to even really contemplate His gift of today. And yet we wonder why things so quickly get out of hand and stacked against us. The enemy is ALWAYS waiting to pounce, and when we fail to invite God into our day we are as defenseless as new born baby. God knows the path He's chosen for us today so maybe thing would go somewhat better if we took a few minutes and asked Him to 'order our steps'. It will never hurt to ask.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight..." - Psalm 119:35

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Prayer and Praise Pick Me Up!

Some days you just gotta' praise your way through. - Anon

I think Daniel's prayer life had a lot to do with his success even while in captivity. Hmm!

Monster! RedBull! 5-Hour Energy! Coffee! Pick me up drinks, all pretty much filled with caffeine to give us that 'lift' we need to get us going and back in the pace of things. But what about our spirit, how is He cared for in these moments? What do we do to 'pick' Him up? Do we even concern ourselves with His well-being? Maybe if we try a time of prayer and praise, we'll often find it goes so well to pick us up we don't even need the energy drink. After all, the spirit is filled with the 'dunamis' (dynamic) power of God, which very often is all we need to make it through. Why not try a little today. It couldn't hurt!

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"After they prayed...they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." - Acts 4:31

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Little Irritants

If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size? – S. Harris

King Saul got plenty angry when his people sung of his servant David’s exploits. He prospered through David's exploits and they were still all his subjects. Hmm!

Long lines! Rush-hour traffic! Telemarketers! People with bad attitudes! We’ve all experienced these things and other small incidents like them and will probably continue to experience them. They’re part of life and our maturing process. God expects us not to sweat the small stuff, nor let it sweat us. As we venture through today’s circumstances remember it’s a growing process.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” – Galatians 5:22

Friday, February 3, 2023

Keep On Moving

He who limps is still walking. – S. Lee

The 'staffs' of many of the patriarchs were heavily 'leaned upon' by them. Amen!

Canes. Crutches. Walkers, or other medical devices. We’ve all seen them in one manner or another. All inventions to keep us mobile, moving, and/or active and in the main of life despite physical setbacks and weaknesses. There’s a great lesson in them. Perhaps you’ve suffered great losses in your life. Perhaps you’re suffering grief or sorrow or hurt that still brings pain or discomfort to your daily life. Don’t stop there or give up, for that’s what the enemy wants. The key is to keep moving closer to God and His purposes. He’s strong enough for us to lean on and He doesn’t mind us doing so.

Until Monday…

Pastor Botts

“To keep me from becoming conceited….there was given me a thorn in my flesh….to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” – II Corinthians 12:7-9

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Power to Transform

Scripture should more than inform us, it should transform us. – Anon

When King Hezekiah received the threatening letter from Sennacherib, he was moved to prayer. God was moved too! AMEN!

“We like it, we love it, we want some more of it.” That seems to be the cry of most of us as “Christians” today, “I need to know more bible, or more about the bible.” But scripture should be much more than information to us, it is food to nourish our soul and spirit, to power the life we live. The Word of God is “alive and powerful”, and able to change or transform us when given license through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we all face the circumstances and situations of life, we need to remember it’s not how much scripture we know, but will it show in our life.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will. – Romans 12:2

Friday, December 2, 2022

Kindness is Contagious

Never underestimate the power of a planted seed. - Anon

Jesus said a tiny mustard seed provided 'apartment housing' for many birds. Hmm!

The movie 'Pay It Forward' highlighted the truism that one good deed deserves another. The movie tried to capture the links between the initial good deed and how far along it went sparking others. The bottom line was that you never really know the total impact 1 random act of kindness can generate, because kindness is often very contagious. And though in life it would be nice to see our expressions of kindness returned or passed on, that should never be the reason for us to act. When we act and live out our faith in love, it will indeed bear fruit, even if we don't personally see the results. We trust God for the outcome. It truly is great to be blessed by God, but to be a blessing to someone else is a far greater reward.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." - Matthew 13:23

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Saturday, August 27, 2022

Stepping Stones to Move Forward

We cannot change our memories, but we can change their meaning and the power they have over us. – D. Seamans

Joseph let God erase all the hatred from his heart against his brothers for what they had done. He even ‘cried’ when he saw them again. The reunion was all good. AMEN!

The thing about life is it throws many events our way, some good; some bad. The things that have happened to us cannot be undone. We cannot go back and change it but we should not fear it either, nor let it hold us prisoner. One can only truly fear future events. And since our future is not set in stone, fear is just a head trip. Oftentimes we get stuck in a way of thinking, in a behavior, or in our expectations because we have been hurt before and we have not truly brought the situation to God. From God’s perspective events from our past (good and bad) are stepping stones to move forward in righteousness and faith, for He can bring good out of any situation. Pain is sometimes inevitable, but allowing a memory to keep us in suffering is a choice. God can adjust our attitudes if we allow him.

Until I return…..Aloha

Pastor Botts

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him….” – Romans 8:28

Friday, July 1, 2022

Vessels of Use

God doesn't call people who are qualified. He calls people who are willing, and then He qualifies them. - R. Parker

From slave to 2nd in command of a nation (Joseph). From ruddy shepherd boy to king of Israel (David). From lowly fishermen to Jesus' standard bearers (disciples). There's definitely a PATTERN there. Hmm!

It's often amazing how many of us will say we believe God can do great things through His people. However, when it comes to Him using us, we don't think He'll do it because we just aren't 'there yet' for Him to use us. The truth is God IS NOT looking for people who are 'there yet' to use, He's looking for those who have a willing heart to be of service, ANY service for the kingdom. First of all, we can't get 'there yet' without Him, and second, none of us really know where 'there yet' is - only God does. And as we willingly obey Him in service we will find ourselves moving closer and closer to what He has purposed for us. May we all be vessels of use today.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be MY WITNESSES in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Prayer in Concert With Faith

My obligation is to do the right thing. The rest is in God's hands. - Martin Luther King Jr.

James wrote to his listeners that his faith was actually shown by what he did, not so much what he said. Hmm!

"I've prayed about it!" It's often something we tell ourselves and others about situations or issues going on in our lives. But in truth, prayer is not a magical chant or spiel that puts an 'aura' or 'halo' over our head, nor build a fence around us to keep us from sin. It only works in concert with faith, which means we must do all we can to assist our requests of Almighty God. The Proverbs writer tells us that when we see the 'evil' before us to cross the street or go the other way, not just try and pray through it. (Proverbs 7:24-27). This means we must put action behind our requests to be victorious - a show of faith - that allows God to work in us a stronger resolve to remain true and faithful to Him. So, whether we're trying to break a habit, change society, remove ourselves from a bad relationship, or just grow in His grace, when the enemy attacks in all his subtlety, it will take a little more than just the words we offer, it will also require the Power of the Spirit we have within.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"...But when you pray, o into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen..." - Matthew 6:6

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Power to Move Mountains

The task ahead of us is never as great as the POWER behind us. – Anon

Abraham, he had to leave his homeland, his people, and his father’s house to go someplace God would eventually show him. By God's grace he MADE IT!

Mountains - it seems at times as if life is full of them and they are always in our path. Some of our own making, and others as tests of faith, and each one seems to present a different climate, terrain, and angle to conquer, at times calling on us to make some drastic changes in the way we live before God. Maybe there’s some sin God is continually redressing us on that we need to correct or change, or maybe He wants to develop even a deeper commitment to His kingdom work in us, or maybe He's even trying to move us away from those He knows who are not good for us. Life may seem like an impossibility right now, but we must remember we've made it this far by the power of God, and He's faithful to the end.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’” – Matthew 17:19-21

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Love Outside the Lines

Patience and fortitude conquer all things – Ralph Waldo Emerson

The book of Judges shows clearly how God just refused to give up on His people. Hmm!

If you watch any sport (soccer, football, basketball, baseball, tennis, etc.) you see them – boundary lines. They dictate the field of play. Fair play is limited to in between the lines. Cross the line and you’re out of bounds, play ends. Though these ‘lines’ are good for sports action and even when we set them in our personal lives for effective relationships; we should be grateful beyond measure that God’s love knows no boundary lines. His love is relentless in the pursuit of our heart, going all out trying to ‘woo’ us. It will go to the farthest or deepest point to reach us with His mercy, compassion, and patience to remind us we matter to Him and that He is for us. Now that is a love too great to pass up, don’t you think?

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge…” – Ephesians 3:17-19