Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Nothing at All

Doing nothing gets exactly that:  nothing. – Anon

Ruth refused to just sit idly by and do nothing for herself and Naomi. God rewarded her greatly. Hmm!

Today is here. What do you expect from it? Are you expecting God to do some wonderful things, or are you living with doubt, apprehension, or anxiety. Well, the return of the day will depend on precisely how much faith, energy, and activity we put into the situations God brings our way. For us as believers every day should begin and end with God and His promises.  If we’ve greeted the day in God’s presence and asked Him to do great things, then we should be doing all we can to bring those things to fruition. This is not to say we can force God’s hand, because we can’t; but after our prayers we need to work like we believe God is going to answer. Remember, diligently exercised faith gets rewarded.

Until tomorrow…….

Pastor Botts

“….Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you…” – Matthew 7:7

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