Friday, November 25, 2016

Everyday Thankful For

What if you woke up TODAY with only the things you thanked God for YESTERDAY? - Anon

Nebuchadnezzar, king one day and wild animal the next. God was trying to get his attention. Hmm!

If you've ever tried it, you know it's true - it is impossible to count your blessings. But for the average person that's not an issue for we very often forget we're blessed, or very often feel we deserve what we've been blessed with. In either case God gets overlooked and slighted, rarely thanked, and even growled at because we don't have 'more.' No one likes to be taken for granted, and that includes God, the giver of every good and perfect gift. And because He is so loving, kind, merciful, and forgiving, it makes His GRACE all the more unsearchable. Maybe today would be a good time to start with a prayer of Thanksgiving and ThanksLiving.

Until Monday........

Pastor Botts

".....Give thanks with a grateful heart....."

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