Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Time: Eternal Love

Time is too slow for the impatient, too swift for the aged; too long for the grieving, too short for those rejoicing; but to those who love, time is eternity. – H. VanDyke
Everyone wanted to know when the end times would be but even Jesus said he didn’t know. He did hint at preparing for eternity. Hmm!
Most of us have heard the saying “only what you do for Christ will last.” There’s great truth there but unfortunately most of us spend a great part of our life and efforts focused on the wrong goal – money. Money is not bad per se, and it is something we need to live, but TIME is actually the currency of life. And God in His wisdom made sure it’s the one thing we each possess in equal measure each day regardless of our station or lot in life. Our goal for God and His kingdom is to invest it wisely that it may pay dividends (treasures in heaven); for though it is spelled TIME, when caringly given to someone else it comes out LOVE. And that is God’s command to us.
Until tomorrow…….
Pastor Botts
“A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35

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