Wednesday, February 26, 2020

An Ever Present God

In the game of ‘hide and seek’ God is undefeated! – Anon

Adam and Eve. Moses. Elijah. If they all tried to run and hide from God and failed, what makes us think we can get away with it? Hmm!

If there is truly no place we can go and hide from God as the psalmist writes, then even in our moments of frustration, doubt, discouragement, fear, etc., all we need do is look up; for God is not simply near, He is right there. Waiting, hoping, anticipating that we will seek Him, invite Him to help us navigate life’s circumstances. And though His companionship may not erase the situation right then and there, it will sure lighten the stress and strain on our shoulders, lifting our spirits and hopes. And that friend, is a very comforting thought.

Until tomorrow.....

Pastor Botts

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” – Psalm 139:7

P.S. - For our upcoming Roundtable discussion this Sunday (March 1) at 9am please read the book of Philemon. It's a single chapter. Below are some questions to help guide the discussions:

1.  Why did Paul write to Philemon regarding Onesimus?
2.  Describe how you handle someone who "ran out on you"?
3.  Discuss why Christians should get involved in disputes between others.
4.  Why did Onesimus trust Paul to speak on his behalf?  Do you believe he even knew what Paul was doing?
5.  Explain Paul's request versus a command to Philemon.
6.  Onesimus' name means "useful". Discuss how he lived up to (or did not live up to) that name.  Look up the meaning or origin of your name and discuss if it describes how you are living up to it.
7.  Where is the message of hope in Paul's letter to Philemon?
8.  Research commentaries and see if you can find out what became of Philemon and Onesimus----Discuss.

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