Monday, January 4, 2021

Just Reach

It's only in our 'reaching' for God that we see He has been reaching for us! - Anon

When Peter's faith faltered and he started to sink into the water, Jesus' hand was already extended. WOW!

Nobody I know, including myself, likes to eat humble pie. Just the mere thought of it (not the taste) idles our tongue in confession, stiffens our resolve in apologizing, and puts cement in our feet as we approach our confessor. The idea of admitting we of all people were wrong, or need to repent and come clean is seen as a great weakness, and we can't be weak! But here's the picture the bible paints for us. When the Prodigal Son returned to his father I'm sure the last thing he expected was his father to come running/crying out to him. He had rehearsed his speech and was ready to take the heat afterwards. His father's actions had to be a complete surprise. But that's the way our Great God operates. We find it hard to reach out to Him in our time of need, but if we only open our eyes in faith the view is quite beautiful.

Until tomorrow.....

Pastor Botts

"[The Lord] lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, he set my feet upon a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." - Psalm 40:2

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