Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Alone Time

Sometimes I am better company than anyone else! - Anon

A striking thought: Enoch walked with God everyday and we never see where he asked if he could bring along a friend. HMM!

FOMO – a recently coined contraction. Fear Of Missing Out! It’s innate in all of us. You see babies who don’t want to nap – FOMO. You see kids who despite being sick/injured continue to play - FOMO. You see adults practically tied to cell phones, I-pads, etc. – FOMO. We all desire to belong, to be a part of the conversation or collective group in some fashion, even if we listen from afar. We just don’t like being alone. Why, maybe it’s because we don’t really like ourselves, or possibly we are afraid of being alone with our own thoughts. But Jesus, our leading example teaches us it is good AND necessary to be alone at times – “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” – in solitude to connect with the Heavenly Father. He always seemed to come away from those times fully energized. I think this beats a 5-hour energy drink anytime!

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

"After he [Jesus] had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone….” – Matthew 14:23

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