Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Fair Financial Future

Yes, men do make counterfeit money, but more often than naught, money makes counterfeit men. - S. Harris

Rehoboam's focus on more taxation made him a lesser man than his father Solomon. OUCH!

The love of money, the attraction, the affectations it brings, the power it yields, the satisfaction and happiness it promises - it's all smoke and mirrors. Yes, we need money to survive in this life, exist in this culture, but no matter how much we have it does not and should not define us, nor should others measure us by it. Jesus told us we should use 'worldly wealth to gain friends' so that one day we 'might be welcomed into eternal dwellings.' Though God requires the tithe of us, I think the question we should sometimes ask ourselves is: what are we doing with the other 90%, how is that portion showing out in my life? That does bear some thought, doesn't it? Will anybody be in heaven based on my spending patterns? The best use of your dollar$ and ¢ent$ is to be $en$ible in preparation for tomorrow.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"....for where your treasure is there your heart will be also..." - Matthew 6:22

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