Apparently, there is nothing that cannot happen today. – M. Twain
Joseph was thrown in jail on a ‘bum’ charge, Moses came across a burning bush, the Israelites saw food fall from the sky, Peter found money in a fish’s mouth, and Paul was beaten for preaching Jesus; not one of these folks started out the day with such a thought. Hmm!
On rainy days we take raingear, on sunny days we dress light; but rarely do we ever leave room for God. We live at times such ordered, routine lives that we don’t expect God to intervene nor do we leave Him much room to do it. But if God’s works are new and wondrous each and every day why should we be surprised when He intervenes in our lives in a new manner like never before. If we are a people of prayer and endless hope, then we should know the ‘sky’s the limit’ as to how He will answer prayer or sustain hope. The main thing for us to remember is whether it be a challenge or an unexpected blessing that comes upon us, God expects us to know how to respond, for He never gives a test without preparing us beforehand.
Until tomorrow……
Pastor Botts
“See the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” – Isaiah 42:9