Look ‘both ways’ is more than just good advice for crossing the street. - Anon
Jesus said a wise man would ‘count the costs’ before embarking on a major project, lest he doesn’t have enough to finish and ends up looking foolish. Hmm!
All of us know life can change in a moments time or in the blink of an eye. But for most of us that thought only applies to everyone else. For often in our haste, pride, anger, and self-centeredness we fail to look at both sides of an issue and the potential consequences to our own detriment. And usually the consequences are heavy and costly. God’s word often says we should be ‘slow’ to respond, meaning we should look both ways before crossing. The enemy tries to get us to act in haste, making rash decisions without prayer or forethought (just think Garden of Eden) knowing the consequences will be brutal. Today is a gift to us, but the circumstances that come with it are not always cut and dry.
Until Monday…..
Pastor Botts
“A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly.” Proverbs 14:29
P.S. - Family Fun Night begins a t 6:30 tonight, hope you can make it!