Aaron's sons knew they were not supposed to offer 'strange fire' to God, yet they did it anyway. OUCH!
STOP….. , ONE-WAY...., 55 MPH…..., NO PARKING……, NO TURN ON RED……, YIELD…., NO LEFT TURN DURING THE HOURS OF....? You’ve probably guessed by now these are all traffic signs posted to keep traffic flowing at a smooth safe pace. I’m sure we’re all aware of what happens when someone doesn’t heed the message Life is very similar. When we wrestle with right and wrong our conscience is trying to point out the signs we should obey, while the flesh is demanding satisfaction. However, we are not to satisfy the desires of the flesh but live by the Spirit. Our daily prayer should be that we will have a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led day.
Until Monday…
Pastor Botts
"So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.” – Romans 7:21