I'm sure Paul didn't want to be imprisoned, but he made the best of it. Amen!
Castor oil, hog hoof tea, vapo-rub, cod liver oil, etc. – I’m sure we can remember these and other home remedies from our early childhood. Though we would have preferred a visit to the doctor, maybe a few days off from school and so forth; our parents ‘forced’ these remedies on us. And you know what; we are so much the better off today because they did. In truth, their intentions were right in line with the way God deals with us. Just as medicine is not always pleasant and easy to deal with, it is what is best for us when we are ill. The situations or circumstances God allows into our lives may seem harsh, unappealing, and distasteful to us; but He is always working in our best interests. So though we may not like the ‘state of things’ as they are right now, remember God knows what is best and has a plan for how it will all turn out for good.
Until tomorrow…
Pastor Botts
“Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – I Thessalonians 5:18