Monday, September 30, 2024

More Than Enough

How much is enough? "Just a little more!" - John D. Rockefeller (billionaire)

After David's 'sin' with Bathsheba God told him through Nathan the prophet, "if what I gave you wasn't enough, I would've given you more...." Hmm!

Admittedly, when it comes to work and particularly finances, many of us have worried about not having enough. Some of us are probably still suffering this anxiety. Worries about providing for our family, future, and comfort continue to push us harder and harder to grab more and more. And often it's to the point where we begin to forget God - our ultimate provider. He has promised to meet all our needs. He's promised us a 'hope and a future!' He's granted us 'all the riches that are in Christ Jesus!' And, I might add, He promised us 'our daily bread!' If we could take a moment to look back over our life we will see God has been faithful in every promise He made. And that should encourage us to trust Him even more. True, our resources may be 'tight' at the moment, but if it's what God has provided it is more than enough! Maybe we just need to let Him show us how.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

" first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

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