Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Get Better, Take Your Meds

When we worry…..it’s like putting God on hold. – Anon

After the crucifixion Peter suffered with anxiety. At that breakfast on the beach Jesus put it all to rest. AMEN!

Aspirin! Ibuprofen! Acetaminophen! All readily available over-the-counter medicines to help alleviate, reduce, and even eliminate our aches and pains. But for many of us, myself included, we just don’t like the idea of medicines if we can avoid it, so we do. We’ll deal with the pain as best we can. Often, we treat our God the same…..choosing to ‘worry’ rather than pray and seek His counsel, choosing to fret over the issue rather than invite Him into our suffering. Just like we put off the pain reliever we put off God…..putting Him on hold in our lives. The One who supplies all our needs and ‘gives strength to the weary’ is always at the ready to assist. So next time you pray…. don’t press the ‘hold’ button – just cast all your cares on Him.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“….Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” – Matthew 6:27

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