Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Go With Us

True safety isn’t determined by our location, but by the trust we put in the ONE who goes with us. – A. Jackson

When Moses told God ‘Unless you go with us, don’t send us away from here’ he spoke volumes. Amen!

Red Sea crossing! Lion’s den! Fiery furnace! Stormy sea of Galilee! If memory serves correctly, these were all harrowing, frightful experiences for the people involved. Almost life or death situations, and possibly the last place you’d want to be. But yet in every case and many others like them, they came through safe, unscathed, and unharmed. Why, because of ‘WHO’ was with them – God. In a world where we try to find safe neighborhoods to live in, safe schools for our kids, safe spaces to recreate, etc., the greater assurance we should strive for is to always be in the presence and company of God. Though God has promised ‘never to leave us’ we must be equally careful never to leave Him, even when we don’t like the present situation.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…” Psalm 23:4

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