Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Ripple Effect

When one person sneezes, everyone around is in danger of a cold. – Anon

Achan’s one little act of deceit had mighty repercussions. OUCH!

We all know the teaching about dropping a pebble in the water and watching the ripples expand outward – with the understanding we never know how far one good deed will extend out. That’s true, but it is equally true for one bad deed or moment of anger as well. We never know how far that ‘ripple’ will extend out. Life is not perfect and no matter how much preparation we do in advance, dotting all the ‘I’s’ and crossing all the ‘t’s, systems crash, people are late, things get misplaced, and people forget. It’s in these moments we’re tasked with representing Jesus or ourselves. We must remember the person in front of us or on the phone is not our enemy for ours is always a spiritual battle. When things go awry today or tomorrow we must let the ‘Christ’ in our heart lead and not the ‘anger’ in our attitude. It’s important because the ‘ripple’ will travel outward from there.

Until tomorrow…

Pastor Botts

“Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.’ – Ecclesiastes 7:9

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