Monday, October 14, 2024

Let's Go to Work!

We're not in the business of packing the church, we're in the business of overcrowding heaven. - Anon

When you read the scriptures, you'll see it wasn't just the Hebrew children that left Egypt with Moses. Hmm!

You ever give bible reading a second thought or serious consideration? Ever wonder why so many of its lessons were written to 'believer's' and churches? It wasn't solely to help them worship better on Sunday, but to instruct them how to let 'Christ' live through them each day. It's not the number that sit in the pews on Sunday, but the number who 'live for Christ' in the world daily that make a difference. The work of reconciling the world back to God and redeem mankind is still alive and active taking place through us believers as disciples. Yes, believe it or not God is still trying to save this world. He has not given up on us. But Jesus does need to be alive in us daily to get the task done. The question is can He count on you/me allowing Him to 'go to work' today?

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." - John 9:4

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