Elijah had no idea where he was going when he took off running from Jezebel, but God led him to where he needed to be. Hmm!
Walking by faith and not by sight is how we seek to live, but it is not easy. And if we're honest in times of great stress where major decisions beckon, we tend to walk more by sight than faith. We tend to make 'safety/security' the basis or foundation of our decision. For example, our decisions on where to go to school or buy a home are often made in proximity to relatives and/or friends. It's hard to argue the point that security is one of our most basic priorities. And that's with good reason. But here's a question that we must truly consider: What decision will require us to trust God the most? Think about Abram leaving his family. The Israelites knowingly going into captivity for 70 years. Paul walking away from Judaism for Christ. Security is a basic need but we must realize we can never secure our lives and futures on our own, it takes the will and work of God. He "knows the plans He has for us" and will surely bring them to fruition in good time. Ours is to be faithful and trusting on the journey.
Until tomorrow...
Pastor Botts
"As I was with Moses, so I will be with you: I will never leave you nor forsake you." - Joshua 1:5
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