Because the Israelites didn’t like to keep God’s covenant He introduced them to the Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, etc. OUCH!
No matter how you slice it, each day has only 24 hours in it, and if you’re anywhere near being a responsible person you know it’s not enough to get everything done on our to-do lists. Why, because well-meaning family, friends, and co-workers have a way of making unexpected demands on our time; not to mention, the unforeseen difficulties that crop up. It’s the same with life as well. That’s why it’s important we learn to do first things first. These are the most important ‘must do’ events in life and of the day, and they start with God. If we don’t prioritize our life others are ‘chomping at the bit’ to do so, and their means and motives often only go to serve their own interests. We need to remember we were made to be victors and not victims.
Until tomorrow…
Pastor Botts
“Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind…..” – Romans 1:28
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