Thursday, April 24, 2014

Facing Change

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - L. Tolstoy

"What must I do to be saved?" That Ethiopian eunuch asked the best question ever. Amen!

Though there is always constant chatter about it, most people fight against change, especially when it affects them personally. For most, complacency is a great state to live in. The irony of life is that as much as we might fight against it, change is inevitable. Everyone has to deal with it. No one gets a free pass. On the other hand though, growth is optional; a choice we must make in light of the changes. To bemoan or resist life's changes is to let circumstances dictate to you (i.e. "woe is me.".), but to face the changes and continue to progress in life is God's desire for us as over-comers and conquerers! The difference between being successful and unsuccessful is not in ability, but in desire. The question is still "what must I do?"

Until tomorrow....

Pastor Botts

"....but rather offer yourselves to instruments of righteousness..." - Romans 6:13

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