Monday, June 2, 2014

Good Emulation

Values are like fingerprints – you leave them all over everything you touch. – Anon

Jacob was such a man of integrity that even foreigners mourned his passing. Wow!

Children are noteworthy when they learn to walk in the values and virtues of their parents. Father’s are broad-chested when their sons emulate them, mother’s are elated when their daughters become little ladies. If we feel this way with our children have we ever stopped to think how we make our Heavenly Father feel as his children? He wants so much for us to emulate Him, to hold dear what He holds dear, to love what He loves, to value what He values. Perhaps the only reason we fall short is not that He hasn’t tried to teach us, but just maybe we’ve been a bit out of His touch.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 7:21

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