Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The most important thing

A Note from God: “My kid saved your honor student.” – Anon

Paul stated he’d rather have Jesus than anything, counting all his other worldly goods as ‘rubbish.’ WOW!

Whether it be honor student, perfect attendance, club awards, etc., we sometimes do tend to get carried away with notoriety for our children, and oftentimes even with titles for ourselves. Awards and titles have their place in our lives, but we must keep the main thing the main thing. None of this would be possible if it had not been for what Jesus did for us, and secondly and of even more import; none of this means anything if Jesus is not our personal savior. Besides, when we get to heaven God is not going to check our credentials for awards or titles, he’s going to check our hearts and bodies for battle scars (the marks of Jesus).

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” – Jude 3

As we celebrate our Veteran's today let us not forget the ultimate sacrifice made for us!

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