Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Reward of Change

Our reward is what we become, not what we get. – Anon

Paul considered becoming more ‘like Christ’ far greater than anything else he had done in his life. Hmm!

We live in a saturated society of more, more, more. We’re told to chase the ‘American Dream,' to follow 'the money.' We’re told newer is always better, older is passé. We learn to measure others by what they possess, where they live, what they do. It should be easy for us to see that our buy-in to such thinking does nothing but keep us on a treadmill trying to reach the next plateau. And until we realize that life is much more about significance (making an impact on other’s lives) than success (gathering trophies and trinkets), we will never be satisfied. God is about changing our character and heart in preparing us for heaven. The hardest part is ours in realizing we do need to be changed, and asking God for help. He’s the Master at making masterpieces, and He thinks we’re worth the change.

Until tomorrow…..

Pastor Botts

“[And Jesus said]: ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.’” – Matthew 18:3

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