Thursday, April 4, 2019

Adjust your Focus

If we aren't seeing eye to eye with God, there is a good chance His eyes aren't the ones needing adjustment! - J. Wilson
It wasn't until Cleophas and his friend actually looked up they realized the 'Resurrection' was right before them. Wow!
When it comes to the Word of God and the issue of our own hearts, there are commands that we just don't seem to agree with, we don't see the reasoning or logic behind them (give, serve, love, forgive, etc....). But God told us in His Word there are some things He reserves or keeps to Himself, He is not obligated to share with us every detail. But also there are many commands that only bring blessing when obeyed in faith. and God has given us enough to still trust Him fully. He has always been God, His ways have always been and always will be perfect, and He loves us unconditionally and does everything for 'our good' and His glory. So though we may not see it at the time, if we just keep our focus on Him it will be alright. If we continue to look for the answers we miss God, but if we look for God we get both.
Until tomorrow....
Pastor Botts
"My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare." - Psalm 25:15

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