Thursday, October 8, 2020

All of Us All the Time

"All news, all the time!" - KNX 1070 news slogan

When God asked Satan "have you considered my servant Job?" the test was on. What if God put your name there? Hmm!

Because of his great faith and trust in God, and his own self-esteem and self-respect, Joseph could not even fathom the idea of sleeping with Potiphar's wife; and I would dare say or add sleeping with any woman outside of God's covenant of marriage. It was not only a non-negotiable for him, it was "perish the thought!" It begs the question of us: Where in our life does God NOT make a difference, and WHY not? To honor the 'Great Command' (Mark 12:30-31) is to place God before all things, not some things. It is easy to build and live a convenient faith, but that is not what God wants. Faith grows through hardships, sacrifices, trusting God's plan, and walking in His ways. Growing faith refuses to live on yesterday's victories. God wants all of us all the time. In both life and the service of God there is no such thing as a time out!

Until tomorrow.......

Pastor Botts

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the that in everything he might have the supremacy." - Colossians 1:17-18

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