Friday, May 13, 2022

Keep An Eye On Those Little Things

To be blind is bad, but worse it is to have eyes and not to see. - Hellen Keller

Job offered sacrifices for his children just in case they sinned. He didn't want to give the enemy any type of foothold. Hmm!

Poppy seeds. Such a tiny, almost unnoticeable specimen on its own. I often use them in baking muffins, they add a crunchy, nutty texture. Small indeed, but get one caught between your gum and teeth and "my oh my" what a big pain it can cause. And if not treated quickly enough, maybe even a trip to the dentist. And believe it or not, it is the same process with sin. It may start small - just a look, a taste, a hit. Just a no to prayer, reading, meditation - but it doesn't stay small. All it needs is a little space to grow, and unchecked, grow it will. Just as Jesus noted how a tiny mustard seed could grow to provide sanctuary for many, a tiny unchecked sin can grow to destroy relationships, families, and lives. And hence the truth of the matter. Tiny seeds are being sown into our lives every day, in almost every situation. And if we're not quick enough to root them out, they begin to produce a crop that we the host are truly unaware of - cynicism, gossip, bitterness, discord, etc., - simply because we grow accustomed to that being our normal self. Our hearts have always been fertile soil, so hopefully we're careful what we're planting.

Until Monday...

Pastor Botts

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ." -II Corinthians 10:5

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