Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Heart Storage

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be. S. Ricotti

David said when he 'confessed' what was hidden in his heart life got so much better. Amen!

Ask anyone who's moved recently and I'm sure you'll hear them lament and say something like 'I didn't know I had so much stuff!' Whether they were moving from a small apartment or a 4-5 bedroom house the saying is the same 'so much stuff!' Stuff they didn't even know they had or seldom used. It's a marvel how it all fit in there. Truth is, we brought it in ourselves and just got comfortable with it being there, allowing it to possess space in our arena. It begs the question, do we have too much stuff stored up in our hearts? Dangerous stuff that we've grown comfortable and complacent with. Stuff like laziness, grudges, bitterness, hypocritical thoughts of others, jealousies, greed, etc. Things like these tend to hinder our spiritual ability to grow. maybe we need to do a little housecleaning ourselves to give the Holy Spirit the freedom He needs to grow and flourish in our lives. A good cleansing is always refreshing.

Until tomorrow...

Pastor Botts

"O Jerusalem, wash the evil from your heart and be saved. How long will you harbor wicked thoughts?" - Jeremiah 4:14

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